The Episode About The Empire Strikes Back

Well here we are again. I'm usually writing this as quickly as possible to try to get it posted by Wednesday. The whole time my mind's racing in circles while I fight to stay focused and not think about the long hours left until the next episode. But not this week. No, instead the powers-that-be are giving us an awesome recap show. Thank you so freaking much because we haven't had a recap since the night of the Season 5 premiere.

But this is probably a good thing because I have no idea what the "story of the Oceanic 6" is. Seriously. WTF is up with this crap?? They must really think we are morons. Hell, Season 3 had three seperate recap episodes. Oh well. I guess it's a very small price to pay for having the greatest television show ever beamed directly to my television set.

So anyway, let's move onto this weeks point recap and please don't forget to read my intial thoughts here if you already haven't. Or you can read them again if you wish.

Click here if this was wrong week for you to stop sniffing glue...


  • Can hear and/or see how somebody died when he's near their corpse: +1
  • Uses this ability to make some easy money: +5
  • Couldn't figure out how to quickly erase a VHS tape: -1
  • Tries to look like a punk rocker but ends up looking like an ass: -1
  • And he seems to dislike country music. Jerk: -5
  • What the hell is a fish taco?? Chicken and beef are the only things that belong in a taco: -2
  • Wisely turns down Bram's offer of $0.00 to ditch Team Widemore and join Team Statue: +2
Net gain loss: -2
Total points: 114

Pierre Chang:

  • Seems to a have a real issue with Polar Bears: -1
  • But he does like Willy Nelson: +3
  • That dead body that was brought to the Orchid? I'm guessing that he sent it off to god-knows-where with the donkey wheel: +1
  • And that would certainly explain the smell in my old apartment: +1
  • I really think he's looking forward to having that beer with Hurley: +1
Net gain loss: +5
Total points: 126


  • Why the hell doesn't anybody deliver ham & cheese sandwiches to me at work?: -1
  • Dude; just freaking tell Pierre that Mile's is his son. You know you want to. What's the worst that could happen: -1
  • Now I know why The Empire Strikes Back is one of the top 5 movies ever made. Hurley wrote it. Sweet: +5
Net gain loss: +3
Total points: 50


  • Noticed that Ben was missing. I guess this could be considered an improvement on his part: +1
  • Decides to get drunk at the playground instead of looking for Ben. Still an improvement in my eyes: +1
  • Even in his constant drunken stupor he is slowly begining to realize that Kate is the devil: +1
Net gain loss: +3
Total points: 104


  • Is it just me or does it seems like she won't be happy until everybody on the Island has the clap: -1
  • Exhibit "F"; watch this week as she continues to seduce Ben's dad: -1
Net gain loss: -2
Total points: 37


  • Finally gets the opportunity to punch somebody: +1
  • And it was that douche Phil: +1
  • And as always he's a man of priorities because right afterwards he smiles and tells Juliet to get some rope. Either Sawyer likes to be tied up or Phil is in for one rough night: +1
Net gain loss: +3
Total points: 168


  • Covered for Roger at work: +1
  • Wait a minute; he'll cover Roger's shift at work so he won't get fired but a few hours ago he refused to save the life of a twelve year old. Dude's got major issues: -2
Net gain loss: -1
Total points: 95


  • Our fearless leader has finally returned: +1
  • And now he can go back to flirting with 12 year olds. Let us all pray that Charlotte is no longer on the Island: -1
Net gain loss: 0
Total points: 139

The Circle Is Small

Well this episode was definitely a big surprise. I always stay far, far away from any type of previews of upcoming episodes so I had no clue that we would be getting a Miles flashback. So this episode came as a surprise because I had often wondered if and when we would ever get flashbacks of the freight-four and after Charlotte died without one I kinda gave up hope. So that's why when this episode started and I saw Pierre Chang's wife I knew immediately that christmas had come early. And sure enough a moment later a very small Miles came strolling by. The camera then followed the young Miles as he strolled the grounds of his prospective new home and moments later he kicked off an episode that actually gave us a some good answers. So let's discuss them shall we.

  • First off we were shown when Miles first started hearing dead people and we also got to see what he sees when it happens. That was actually pretty shocking to me because normally we just have to take things at face value with Lost. But instead we actually got some real insight into what it is that Miles does. Very cool.
  • We also learned that Mr Chang booted his wife and son off the Island when Miles was just a baby. Well at least this is the version that is told to Miles but I don't buy it all. From what we have seen Pierre is a jerk to his staff but at home he is a terrific dad. Not the type of guy who would ditch his family. I'd say he's more the type of guy who would convince his wife to leave the Island with their only son the very minute he learns about a future purge from a crazy scientist. It certainly makes sense especially when you consider the video that was shown at comic-con.
  • In the case of Charles Widemore vs Humanity the final nail was drilled into his coffin. I think that we can all say without a hint of doubt that Chucky staged the Oceanic Airlines wreckage. I was already 99.9% convinced but thanks to Miles we can now lay this mystery to bed.
  • The 3.2 million dollars that Miles asked Ben for? Well I think we got two possible answers for the price of three on that issue. 3.2 is double what Naomi was paying him (good luck collecting that money) so maybe he was just trying to double his money like with Bram. However, I believe that by asking for 3.2 million Miles was trying to figure out if Bram was working for Ben. But to figure out the answer to that question I'll need to rewatch that particular scene "Eggtown" but if I am remembering correctly I think Ben did have a visual reaction to the 3.2 million dollar remark. So for now I'm gonna say that I'm 42% positive that the "what lies in the shadow" people work for Ben.
  • Where did Dan run off to? Well it looks like he was in Ann Arbor, Michigan which would mean that he was mostly likely working with the Dagroots. So it will definitely be interesting to find out what he's learned during his time on the mainland.

That's pretty much all I have to say for right now but of course I have much more to comment on so for now you will just have to be patient and check back in a couple days for my full recap.

Dead Is Dead

There are three things that can make a Lost episode awesome. The Smoke Monster, Benjamin Linus, or John Locke. Now if you take all three of those elements and put them together you end up with an episode so incredible that it makes the A-Team look like amature hour.

I wrote up my initial thoughts here after the episode aired so there's not too much for me to say. But as always I'm gonna test your patience and say some words anyway.

"What lies in the shadow of the statue?" It's been a long time since we've had a question that's caused this much debate and created as many new theories. You would have to travel all the way back to Season 2 when Desmond asked Locke, "what did one snowman say to another?" {fyi: the answer is, "smells like carrots"} to find it's rival. Everywhere I went during the past week I heard people discussing this new riddle and there are now millions (rough estimate) of new websites dedicted to unlocking the answer. But you didn't go to any of those websites. No, you came here for your answers and now I will deliver the goods.

Now my initial thought is that Ilana and her crew are Others. But not the good Others like Tom and Ben. No, these are evil Others who are working for Widemore and they are here to start the war that Widemore mentioned to Locke.

I think it's safe to assume that Widemore has moved onto plan "B" in his plot to retake Craphole Island. His first plan failed miserably and then to top it all off Ben moved the Island. So his next plan? Convince the Oceanic 6 to return to the Island and plant some rougue Other's on the plane. Once again Locke was used like a puppet except this time it was Widemore pulling the strings.
On paper this looks like a great plan and Widemore must have felt confident that it would work. But he should have learned by now that starting a war against Ben will usually result in failure because he's always five steps ahead of everybody else.

Last time Ben used both the Smoke Monster and the Orchid Station to defeat Widemore's batch of goons. This time? He returned to the Island with the corpse of Mr. John f'n Locke because he believed that the Island would bring Locke back to life. And of course that's exactly what happened and now Locke seems to be completely tuned into the Island in ways that Ben could never dream of. And Widemore? All he brought was a big metal crate and a book of riddles. Good luck with that.

So it would seem that the pieces are now in place for a War that will probably start near the end of this season and continue into next season. If this is indeed the case I will post my thoughts regarding what will happen afterwards. But for now those theories are staying with me. So in the meantime you'll just have to settle on what you've got. Now click on the orange link and enjoy the magic of reading:

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  • Nice freaking hair Lion-O: -5
  • Evidently he's batshit crazy if he actually believes the Island wanted him to kill a newborn baby: -5
  • How did somebody this stupid actually run The Others? He actually thinks that the Island banished him because he was taking too many off-Island vacations?? Freaking Ben was living above the Smoke Monster and he had a closet full of passports and suitcases. I'm betting that Ben simply typed up a letter saying, "sorry Charles but you'r shift is over. Pleaze leave on the sub immediately. Signed, The Island": -5
Net gain loss: -15
Total points: 132

  • Apologizes to Locke by killing Caesar: +1
  • Who in the hell thought it would be a good idea to make Ethan his apprentice? No wonder that dude was so freaking creepy and evil: +1
  • Pop Quiz!! What do you think is the hardest part of being a parent in Otherville?
    1. Preventing the Others from "accidently" stealing your baby.
    2. Keeping Richard away from it's innocence.
    3. Trying to prevent the Smoke Monster from eating your baby.
    4. Constantly reminding your child that the Frozen Donkey Wheel is not a toy and time travel is strictly off-limits
Net gain loss: +2
Total points: 106

  • Seemed to forgive Ben pretty easily. I'd be pretty pissed at the dude who murdered me but by this point Locke is used to people trying to kill him: +1
  • Still wearing Christian's shoes. Hopefully he doesn't ask for them back: +1
  • The Island is now sending ghosts on his behalf to instruct Ben to do whatever he says. That's pretty damn impressive. He's like the godfather except he's not useless.
  • Who wants another pop quiz? Well too bad 'cause you're getting one anyways.  What's the best perk of having Ben as your Island Bitch:
    1. Free piggy back rides
    2. He's like a human Terminator. Just point at somebody and he'll gladly shoot them. No questions asked
    3. Nightly backrubs
    4. Need a new identity? No prob; Ben can whip you up a fake passport likity split.
Net gain loss: +2
Total points: 182

  • Sad news; this week he wasn't given the opportunity to steal a young boy's essense: +1
Net gain loss: +1
Total points: 147

  • Wow; this guy didn't have any survival skills at all. Telling either Locke or Ben that they can't do something is pretty dangerous. But telling both of them, at the same time, that they can't take a boat; well you just have to expect to be shot by at least one of them. Idiot: -101
  • But at least Locke didn't stab you after you were shot: +1
Net gain loss: -100
Total points: 0

  • Seemed just a little too eager to kill Danielle. But I guess that's what happens when you spend your childhood with Ben as your mentor: -1
Net gain loss: -1
Total points:

What.The.Hell. Was That??

Wow. So much to discuss and and so many points to hit on but I will still do my best to keep it "brief". First things first; during the scene of The Monster reading Ben's thoughts I immediately thought, "wow, there are gonna be a ton of people who hate this scene". Or maybe everybody in the world loved it; I'll have to read various message boards to find out. Regardless, I myself didn't judge it; it did seem a bit odd and I didn't know what to think but I guess that's probably how we were supposed to feel. But what is important is that we were witnessing Ben's mind being read by the Smoke Monster. And than right afterwards we got another classic WTF Lost moment.

When we saw Alex appear I was really afraid that Ben was about to bite it. But nope; instead "she" forcefully threatened Ben into becoming Locke's personal traveling secretary. Ben was allowed to live but only if he follows Locke's every word and protects him. Good news? Well definitely not for Ben. He has never been a follow and never one to take orders (except from Jacob). Plus, it's fairly certain that he's only on probation. As soon as Locke completes his work on the Island I'm betting the farm that Ben will die or rather he will be allowed to die. Now, onto other matters or more specificaly Charles Widemore.

Charles Widemore is a douchebag. Plain and simple. During the episode, "The Life...Jeremy Benthem" I actually entertained the notion that maybe he wasn't that bad of a guy. Well this episode certainly set me straight. First off, was his hair cut some kind of prank pulled by Richard and Jacob? Would you take orders from somebody that looked like that? But ignoring that for the moment we have exhibit B. He ordered Ben and Ethan to go find Danielle and kill her along with her baby. Think what you will of Ben but you have to give him points for refusing to kill a baby. Grown men and women he has no problem with but not babys. Even the rest of the Others were looking at Widemore like he was nuts. Especially Richard which is exhibit C of Widemore's douchebag behavior. You could clearly tell that he had no respect for Richard once he became "in charge". Maybe it was just me but Richard seemed to have a look on his face that said, "Widemore, I could kill you before you even blinked but the Island won't let me". But eventually things worked themselves out because many years later the Island finally had enough of Widemore's shit and he was banished. Hi-five Island!!

Okay, I'm gonna finish this up with just a couple more thoughts:

  • Was Ben really dumbfounded bv the carvings on the walls of the chamber he fell into? Obviously he's seem them before in his closet of doom and on the outer wall guarding the temple. Or was he able to read the carvings and he realized that this was Smokey's home. I'm thinking more along the lines of door number two.
  • Desmond; is he super human or something? Ben shoots him but than moments later Desmond is beating the snot out of him. I'm thinking that the Island "deflected" the bullet or something along those lines.
  • One of the reasons Widemore was banished was because he was leaving the Island regularly. Strange because that's exactly what Ben was doing. So why was Ben allowed to get away with doing the same thing? For now I'm just going to assume that the Island just hated Widemore and was using anything and everything as an excuse to banish his ass.
  • Well that's about all I have for now until I post my points summary for the episode. Stay gold.

    Whatever Happened, Happened

    This episode turned out to be really great which was a surprise because the moment I realized it was a Kate episode I threw up in my mouth. But this didn't turn out to be another "Eggtown" or "Whatever the Case May Be". No, this actually turned out to be really good.

    But of course a lot of the credit goes to the scenes that didn't feature her. Like when Jack admitted that he came back to the Island because he was supposed to. And though I disagree with his actions it was also nice to hear him say that the Island would take care of Ben (I can't remember the exact words; sorry). He still has a long way to go but he's slowly turning from a Man of Science into a Man of Faith. I could go on and on about a ton of other little things but once I get started it's hard to stop so let's just jump into this thing face first...

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  • Does anybody in the Dharma Initiative think that it’s is weird that the gal from the motor-pool is also performing emergency surgeries? I mean come on. Nobody at all thinks that it’s weird. I understand that helping somebody give birth can be just chalked up to beginners luck but once you start in on the brain surgery people get suspicious. Well, normal people at least. Not Dharma folk. “Juliet, when you’re done changing those tires could help out in the O.R? That new heart for Bob arrived on the sub and we need you to perform a simple transplant. Thanks a bunch”: +1 (for being around a bunch of dumbasses)
  • And kudos to her for not laughing when Jack got of the shower naked. Or saying, “now I see why Kate didn’t marry you” or “now I see why Kate slept with Sawyer and everybody else on the Island instead of you” or “now I see why Sawyer is sleeping with me and not you”: +1
  • Net Gain/Loss: +2
    Total Points: 113


  • Worst. Doctor. Ever. “Hey, doc. Remember when you fixed my broken leg last year? Well I broke the other one today. Can ya fix it?” “Nope. I don’t perform repeat surgeries. I already fixed you once and I’m not gonna fix you a second time. Suck it.”: -1
  • Did anybody else see the disappointment on his face when got out of the shower and saw Juliet standing there instead of Sawyer?: -1
  • Realizes that Kate didn’t like the “ Old” Jack; newsflash Jack, nobody like the old Jack and not too many people like the new version either: +1
  • Net Gain/Loss: -1
    Total Points: 94


  • Takes Ben to see Richard because Juliet doesn’t want to watch a kid die: +2
  • Seems to understand that giving Ben to Richard will cause him to become “Evil” Ben and yet he doesn’t anyway because letting Ben die would be wrong: +5
  • Have I ever mentioned how awesome Sawyer has become ever since he killed Locke’s dad?: +2
  • And kudos to him for figuring out that it was Ben who let Sayid out. Although you could tell that he really wanted to blame Jack: +1
  • Net Gain/Loss: +10
    Total Points: 165


  • Lost his innocence at the age of twelve. Dude you beat me by, uh, um, lets just say you beat me by a wide margin and leave it at that: +1
  • I know he’s been through a lot the past two weeks so I shouldn’t kick him when he’s down but it was pretty obvious that he crapped his underwears when he woke up and saw Locke staring at him: +1
  • Net Gain/Loss: 0
    Total Points: 104


  • Look, I don’t know how things are done CrapHole Island but here, on the mainland, we get real worried when you take a twelve year old boy into some crazy temple and warn us that this young boy is about to “lose his innocence”: -1
  • But it was still really freaking cool how he just walked out of the jungle before anybody even told him that Sawyer was looking for him: +5
  • Net Gain/Loss: -4
    Total Points: 146


  • Received the harsh truth from Cassidy that Sawyer jumped off the helicopter because he couldn’t face a future with Kate: +1
  • I think Jack’s the only person on the planet who wouldn’t have done the same thing to avoid that fate: +1
  • Loses Aaron in the grocery store because she was distracted by her cell phone:-1
  • Seriously? Are you really that stupid? Kids are like wild animals. They run the first chance they get. This is why most people strap them to their back or bury them at the bottom of the grocery cart under the twinkies and ho-hos: -1
  • And of course the minute she gets him back she pawns him off on somebody she’s never met: -1
  • But not before telling Cassidy that she was actually relieved when he went missing: +1
  • And let’s not forgot that she locked him a hotel room and than went to Claire’s mother to tell her that she just won herself a 4 year old giant. And she can claim her prize four doors down where he’s sleeping. Alone. In a seedy motel. I mean, come on people!! What if Richard happened to stop by. Do you want him taking Aaron’s innocence?: -1
  • Net Gain/Loss: -2
    Total Points: 39


  • Look, the kid has a giant melon. He’s freaky looking. He sucks the souls of out small woodland creatures with just a glance. But at the end of the day that’s no reason to be playing hot potato with the kid. You just know that his grandmother is gonna drop him off at Goodwill next month. Heck, the only person who actually wanted the kid was Ethan but stupid Charlie went and killed him.
  • Net Gain/Loss: Well he’s no longer with Kate so I’d definitely say it’s a huge gain.
    Total Points: Here's hoping he someday finds a juice box as large as his head

    Roger Linus:

  • Damn you to hell Roger Workman. Just when I thought you were lowest form of scum you go and start talking about how you know what a terrible father you are and that you really do love Ben: +2
  • But I guess it doesn’t matter because once he gets back you’re just gonna beat him for ruining his sweatshirt. But for now you don’t seem too bad: -1
  • Were you hitting on Kate?? -1
  • I bet getting gassed by Ben seemed like a vacation compared to talking to Kate: +1
  • Net Gain/Loss: +1
    Total Points: 101


  • Dude, where did you go?? Things are starting to fall apart and they really need somebody to blame. I’m just gonna assume that you’re busy trying to install a Flux Capacitor on a Dharma Van: +10
  • Net Gain/Loss: +10 [these are provisional points; If I don’t see a time traveling Dharma Van these points may go away]
    Total Points: 139


  • Where the hell did you go running off to? Did you run off to join the Others and teach them all about proper hair care? I guess you could shack up with the Crazy French Lady; you two really seemed to hit off good the first time she captured and tortured you. Ahhh, young love: -1
  • Net Gain/Loss: -1
    Total Points: 112


  • How long did he wait for Ben to wake up? I mean, he must have spent a lot time rehearsing his “welcome to the land of the living line” so it would be a shame if Ben woke up and he wasn’t there to say it. So he’d have no choice except to wait and wait and wait. But it was still a pretty cool thing to say to the dude who strangled you to death.

  • Quick Thoughts on "What Happened, Happened"

    Okay, the majority of people on this planet guessed correctly when they assumed that Ben would live. But regardless of whether or not he lived pretty much everybody thought that the act of Sayid shooting Ben would change things. However, that wasn't the case and once again the answer that Lost gave us was an answer that nobody probably thought of. The act of shooting Ben is actually what caused him to become the Ben that we all know and love. Well we used to love him up until he strangled Locke to death. Anyway, back to the issue at hand which is how Sayid did exactly what he always did.

    Sayid thought that by shooting Ben he was preventing him (well actually both of them) from becoming a "monster" later in life. Yeah, that didn't quite work out the way he planned. Instead this act is what led Ben to become an Other through a ceremony (I'm assuming it's a sort of ceremony) performed in the Temple. Richard explained to us what would happen to Ben and in doing so he actually answered a bunch of other questions.

    So, little Ben is dying and despite what he ends up doing in the future he still needs to be saved due to the fact that he's just a kid and normal people don't just let a child bleed out. I'm looking at you Jack. So Richard agreed to take him into the Temple to be healed but not before he warned us of the consequences; once Ben was healed in the Temple his memories would be gone and he would now be an Other for life. Almost sounds like brainwashing doesn't it. But regardless of your where you side with the issue of brainwashing this may help explain a good many things;

  • One, this is why Ben doesn't remember any of the Losties later on in life.
  • Two, this probably explains why Richard wanted Paul's body. Paul was probably brought back to life as a faithful Other who will always protect the Island and he will never know that he used to be a Dharma recruit.
  • Three, we now know what Ben meant when he told Locke that some of the Others weren't fully committed to the Island. Those who have been brainwashed are now faithful servants of the Island. They will die for it and even allow their fellow Others kill them to protect it. But there are also other Others like Juliet who were recruited from the outside. For whatever reason they aren't brainwashed or maybe they are only brainwashed when it becomes necessary.
  • Four, we can assume that Room 23 is supposed to do the same sort of mind control but of course it doesn't explain why they wouldn't just use the Temple.
  • Five, I think we now know what happened to the children when they were kidnapped. They become little Others, tiny protectors of the Island.
  • And lastly, I'm gonna bet that Widemore actually was in the military and he became an Other in the Temple. I think Richard wasn't being completely truthful when he said that he and his people killed all the military dudes who showed up with the Jughead. Maybe some of them died in a skirmish but the majority of them, like Widemore, were captured and turned in Others.
  • So, in summary here's what I think we learned; If you're on the Island, for whatever reason, and the Island deems you worthy, get ready for a field trip to the Temple. Otherwise they'll just let you wander the Island until either Smokey kills you or Locke blows you up. And speaking of Locke, this seems to be further "proof" that he's really special. He has the same type of connection to the Island as the Others except that he wasn't brainwashed. This is some sort of natural connection. Alright, let's get back on track and back to Ben.

    I always wondered if he was immortal and now I'm starting that it may be the case. The only way Ben can die is if the Island kills him. And all he had to do to was sell his soul to Jacob. Pretty sweet deal. It's like a cult only a really cool cult and it's still the only one that I want to join.

    Okay, I said that this would be "quick" but I just want to end with one last thought. I believe that the "war" between Ben and Widemore represents a glitch in the system. I don't think either one of them is an actual threat but the brainwashing has caused them see each other as such. Widemore is no longer on the Island and thus he may no longer be considered an Other (at least to Ben). So Ben views him as a threat to the Island. Widemore was most likely tricked by Ben to leave the Island so he still feels like an Other who was wrongly ousted. Hence he views Ben as a threat to the Island. Basically they are the only two people who think that either one of them poses a threat to the Island. Heck, they may even be best friends but once Widemore left the Island a switch was flipped in their minds and now they just look at each other as an enemy. This is the same thing that is about to happen to little Ben. From now on he will view Dharma as the bad guys and he'll consider himself to be one of the good guys. And in a few years he's gonna kill them all despite the fact that they probably have done nothing to deserve it. Poor Ben, he's just a tool of the Island.

    Alright, that's all I have for now. I am going to do my best to get my regular post done by Monday. But for now I'm gonna leave you with one thought; how freaking awesome was that look on Ben's face when he woke up and saw Locke. I really don't think that Ben knew Locke would come back to life when his corpse got back to Craphole Island. This was one of the very few times that we have actually seen Ben shocked by something. That was sweet.

    He's Our You

    Well, I don't have too much to say about this episode due to the fact that I posted most of my thoughts after the episode aired. But don't worry; I'm not gonna let that stop me from posting some kind of something.

    It's a week later and I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the ending. Did Ben really die? Probably not but then how did he survive? Has this event "always happened" and if so, did Ben know who Sayid was when he being held captive in the Swan Station? And if he remembered Sayid than it would stand to reason that he remembers Jack, Hurley, and Sawyer. Kate he would have forgotten about for his own sanity. And as for Juliet, well it would be pretty interesting if this is the real reason he recruited her.

    And if this is a "new event", and thus breaks Dan's rules, than does this explain why the Barracks looked so beaten up when Sun and Lapidus spoke to Christian? Hopefully we'll get an answer real soon otherwise my head might explode.

    Anyway, as they say in our house, let's get it on... Click here if enjoy reading pictures and reading pictures...


  • Killed a chicken with his bare hands. Kinda cool. But I would have been more impressed if he killed a cow.
  • Kills the last of Widemore's evil henchmen but is angered by the size of his retirement bonus...
  • he takes out his frustration by shooting twelve year old Benjamin Linus.
  • Wow. That still hasn't sunk in. He shot Ben. When Ben was twelve years old. That kinda thing is illegal in at least 15 States.


  • I wonder if Sayid’s sandwich had mustard on it this time. I guess we’ll never know since his father threw it across the room.
  • Seeing him being abused by his father wasn’t as bad to watch this time around because we know that Ben eventually pays him back.
  • Wow, he was much more effective breaking Sayid out of jail. No offence to Sawyer, he is a smart guy, but he should’ve known that a flaming VW van is the perfect distraction when planning a prison escape.
  • After Ben got smacked with an oar by Sun I joked that he's always getting slapped or punched by somebody. Well this week he done got himself shot. I have no idea what they're gonna for encore but bravo Lost writers. bravo.


  • Look, you've been awesome this season; you've been a great leader and you almost made Jack cry. But when you vote "yes" to execute Sayid, well you're just pushing your luck.
  • But you did offer to break him out of his cell. Twice
  • And you also brought him to the world's worst Torturer.
  • Seriously. Larry from Newhart? Were Darryl and Darryl busy that day?
  • Okay, you're safe for another week but in the future try a bit harder to when you're trying to convince Dharma to not shoot your friends.


  • Sawyer asked her why she came back. She didn't get a chance to fully answer him but I'm willing to bet that she came back to escape from Aaron's massive cranium.

    Roger Linus:
  • You really might want to rethink your parenting style. Verbally and physically abusing your son might seem like a good idea today but you may regret it in 14 years when he uses a toxic nerve agent to kill you. Just something to ponder.
  • Quick thoughts on the ending of "He's Our You"

    If you have not yet seen the latest episode, "He's Our You", than please do not read this post otherwise the ending will be ruined for you. You've been warned.

    Click here if you're ready...

    O.k so what in the hell happened at the end of this episode. Simply stated it would appear that Sayid shot a twelve year old Benjamin Linus and left him for dead. I'll try to find a good picture of the wound because you could clearly see that the bullet struck him near the middle of his chest. So what does this all mean? I have a couple of theories which will probably all turn out to be false but let's do this anyways.
    1. Okay, Daniel told us that you can't change the past and whatever happened has always happened and always will. Now this rule only makes sense if Ben ends up surviving. But of course they are complications if he does indeed survive and I'll address them in the next bullet point. So for now let's stay focused on why things don't make sense if Ben dies at age twelve.

      Now, the reason why Sayid was in a position to shoot Ben in 1977 was because of a series of events that eventually caused Sayid to be on the Ajira flight in the year 2007ish. All of those of events were set in motion when Benjamin turned the donkey wheel. If Ben died at age twelve then he never would have been able to set those events in motion. And if that was the case than Sayid never would have ended up in 1977 and in a position to kill Ben. Yeah. Now in a third bullet point I'll talk about the "what-if' aspect of Ben being dead but for now it's onto theory number 2.

    1. Theory number two...Okay, if all of those events I mentioned above needed to happen to put Sayid in that position than it would be safe to assume that Ben would be immortal in a sense. He may have been shot but he'll survive because the Island won't allow him to die because of all of the work that he needs to do in the future. So on one hand it makes perfect sense but on the other hand it also makes absolutely no sense. Ben thinks Sayid is an Other like Richard so in his mind he was just shot by one of them. Now why would he decide to join them and help them purge the Dharma folks? It makes no sense unless Richard somehow convinces him that Sayid is a time traveler with a grudge. Yeah, good luck with that, Richard. Moving right along...we finally arrive at my third theory and the one that I hope ends up being true.

    1. Ben is dead. Sayid shot and killed him when Ben was 12 years old. This event happened in the past and it is an event that will always happen. But of course dead is a relative term when you're on Craphole Island. I think Benjamin will now be like Christian Shephard (remember when Widemore said to him, "I know WHAT you are"). I don't know how exactly but when finally picks himself up off that dirt road he'll find out that he's dead and he'll learn all about the Island and his destiny. Information given to him by this person will also be the reason why he always knows so much about everybody and why he always seemed to know what was going to happen next. This is how he stayed a step ahead of everybody. Okay, here's where my theory gets innaresting.

      I believe that this person will be Jacob. I think that at this point in time Jacob isn't trapped in "The Cabin" so he'll be able to visit the now freshly deceased Benjamin Linus and have this chat with him. Now, I believe that the only people who can see or hear Jacob are dead people. There's always rules on this damn Island. This is why Benjamin was the only person that we know of that has ever seen or spoken to Jacob. Well before Locke that is. This is also why Locke is so special. At first Ben didn't want to bring Locke to see Jacob because he didn't want to anger Jacob but at the same time he also figured it wouldn't matter because Locke wouldn't be able to see him. However, Locke was somehow able to hear Jacob when they were in the cabin. It was only two words but it was more than enough to make Benjamin realize that Locke was a huge threat to him.

      Now,if this last theory is true than it would explain why Christian is doing the talking for Jacob. Living and breathing people can see and hear Christian just fine but they can't see or hear Jacob. Near the end of Season 3 things on the Island started to go downhill and Jacob needed some help but he's not digging on Ben anymore. He knows that Locke is the only one who can save The Island but because Locke is alive he needs to find a way to communicate with him. This is where Christian comes into play. If Jacob could speak to Locke directly he would but unfortunately he can't so he recruited Christian to be his speaker. He was actually being literal when he told Locke that he was speaking for Jacob.

    I don't know how much of this will pan out but these are my simple thoughts on this matter and now we'll just have to wait and see how wrong I am.


    Wow; just when I thought I couldn't post a posting late enough along comes this week. I really need to get my act together. But the internet crashed and my computer blew up so that's why this is being posted wicked late. But anyway, this was a terrific episode. Just terrific. I really wish I could go more in depth but for the sake of time I'm not. So let's just jump into the pool before some kid pees in it and ruins our fun...

    Click here if you like to read words...

  • I've got some advice for Sawyer. You can't wash off herpes. Remember that advice anytime you're near Kate and you'll do fine: +1
    • Juliet:

    • Damn; I was really hoping that she'd pretend that Kate was an Other: -1
    • But I guess she didn't want the Others to have to deal with Kate's crap. That's loyalty there: +1
    • I'm not good at reading women but I'm pretty sure she looked scared that Jack was gonna steal Sawyer: +/- 0
      • Jack:
      • You could tell that he really, really wanted to argue with Sawyer on whether not they were actually in 1977. Tool: -1
      • But it was still awesome to see him looking like an 8 year tool wearing the clothes Sawyer gave him: +1
      • And it was even better seeing him being assigned janitorial duties. Man would I love to see the aptitude test that Sawyer forged for him: +1
      • And last but not least, I would love to see Sawyer hand Jack his ass every single episode: -1
      • Kate:
      • I think it's slowly sinking in that Sawyer has choosen Juliet. Which makes sense because deep down nobody likes a whore: -3
      • However, she did stick up for Sawyer when they first met up with him so maybe she's not the complete anti-christ: +1
      • Ben
      • Ever since the freightor folk showed up, has he even gone as long as a day without somebody smacking him in the face?
      • Didn't put mustard on Sayid's sandwich. Bastard.
      • Aside from mustard is there anything this guy doesn't plan for? 3 years ago he built a runway so Frank could "safely" land the airplane plus it looks like he also had a couple boats waiting for him. I guess Jacob probably told him what would happen in the future which is nice and all but seriously; If Jacob was truly Ben's friend he would have also warned him to always wear a helmet to avoid his future brain damage.
      • Sun:
      • I really hope she goes travels back to 1977 just so I can see her smack 12 year Benjamin in the face with a shovel: +1
      • Also, if some creep guy comes out of creepy cabin in the middle of a creepy village and he invites you in for coffee; don't follow him. Just keep walking: -1
      • Lapidus:
      • All things considered that was a really nice crash landing. If he ever sees Kate and Sawyer again he better remember to thank them for building the runway: +1
      • I also like how calm and cool he was with the whole crashing on the Island (for the second time) and then hearing Smokey in the jungle, and finally having Jack's dead father tell him and Sun that their friends are in 1977. He's like that Jesse fella on the Celebrity Apprentice. Just rolling with the punches.
      • Christian Shephard:
      • What a lousy host. The yard was trashed (probably Smokey's fault), his Dharma Bungalow was a mess, and to top it all off he didn't even offer Sun and Frank some cheese & crackers or even a tasty beverage. Jerk.
      • Jin:
      • Dude's gonna be pissed when he realizes that his forgetful wife left their daughter at home with Aaron and his giant head: +1
      • Sayid:
      • Weee!!!!! I'm back on Crap-hole Island!!! Sweeettt!!!! Hey, there's Jin!! Wait. Why's he pointing a gun at me? And why am I being put into a prison cell? And why does Benjamin Linus look 12 years old? Can somebody please clue me into what exactly the hell is going on????
      • Net Gain/Loss: A very confused Sayid.


      • It is written that in the land of the Dharma Hippies, a man will arrive who shall rule over them. He will build half-assed golf courses and set-up many ping-pong tournaments. He shall call everyone Dude and he will ride in a golden VW Bus. He will be their king and his name shall be Hurley: +1
      • Miles
      • He really needs to pick up the pace otherwise he's gonna be out of this competition. All he did this week was push some buttons in the Betamax Station.
      • Radzinsky:
      • Kinda freaky to see him designing the Dharma Station which is where he ended up being stationed for years and years before eventually going mad and shooting himself. I guess you could say he built his own prison and tomb. Poor guy.
      • Ethan:
      • Finally, a baby on the Island born without a giant head.

      • LeFleur

        Okay, first things first. This post is very, very late and that is not cool. But life happens and life goes on. The only important thing is that I'm finally getting this done. Now, onto Lost…

        Many years from now, when Lost is all said and done, this season just may end up being my favorite season. And if this happens it will all be thanks to awesome episodes like this one. From start to finish "LeFleur" was simply perfect and of course, like all the great Lost episodes, it made me rethink a couple of simple plot elements from seasons past. One of those things being the attitude of the Others towards “invaders”.

        Numerous events from this season have made me take a closer look at their past behaviors and I've compared them to their attitudes towards to the Oceanic survivors (in 2004) and things just quite add up. The Others that existed in the past, before flight 815 crashed, have been shown to be extremely aggressive. We have seen time and time again that they shoot first and don’t even bother asking questions afterwards. Yet when flight 815 crashed the Others merely stuck to kidnapping certain people and they left the rest alone. I keep returning to the Season 2 episode, “The Hunting Party” when Tom told Jack and Locke, “This is our island. And the only reason you're living on it is because we let you live on it”. I’m wondering now if they were allowed to live on the Island because of their interactions (in the past timeline) with the Others, and more importantly, with Richard.

        Now, I’ve always believed that Richard has been in communication with Jacob even though we’ve never seen it happen nor has it even been hinted at. It would certainly make sense that he would let Jacob know all about these crazy time travelers from the future who crashed on the Island. Thus in the future, when Ocean 815 crashed, the survivors who eventually end up in the past aren’t on any of Jacob’s lists. He has an understanding of their destiny so he allows them to live in relative peace instead of merely wiping them all out. This could also be the reason that he asked for Locke’s help because he knew from Richard just how important Locke is (to the survival of the Island). I guess time will only tell just how right or wrong my theory will end up being; And speaking of time, let’s move onto this week’s battle of who did the best things and such... Click here to see how the dice landed for each of our crazy Island folk...


      • Uh, why exactly did he think that jumping into the well would be a good idea: -1
      • "Jim LaFleur". A decent alias. Although I would have chosen "Chesty McBoobs" but hey that's just me: +1
      • Wins the award of having the most ironic job title ever by becoming "Head of Security": +2
      • Nicknames Miles, "Enos": +1 (Enos was a deputy on The Dukes of Hazzard)
      • Also nicknames Miles, "Mr. I Speak to Dead People" and "Bonsai": +2
      • Gives Daniel two more nicknames, "Plato" and "Mad Scientist": +2
      • Convinces Juliette to stay by using words when really all he needed to do was take off his shirt. Or shoot somebody: +1
      • None of that cheap boxed Dharma wine for his gal Juliette: +1
      • Ends the episode with a look on his face that makes me think he wishes the helicopter exploded. Or maybe that was the look on my face. It's real easy to get me and Sawyer confused: +1 Net Gain/Loss: +9 Total Points: 155

      • How many Others does she have to kill before she’s officially kicked out of their club? Maybe in the future those two Others stole her lunch and now she’s finally getting her revenge: +1
      • Evidently the Others teach all new recruits two things; Latin and Auto Repair: +1
      • Performs her first on-Island baby delivery. I give all the credit to Sawyer’s motivational speech: +2
      • Finally, an island romance that doesn't make me sick: +1 Net Gain/Loss: +5 Total Points: 111

      • Does the mascara enable him to walk through the sonic fence unharmed?: +1
      • If you looked real close you could actually see the moment where his brain melted after Sawyer mentioned the jughead bomb: +1
      • Of course this also left him so confused that he accidently asked for Paul's body instead of Paul's stash of Dharma weed: -1 Net Gain/Loss: +1 Total Points: 150

      • Speaking pretty good English. Maybe he was fluent all along but just didn't want to talk to Kate and Jack. I do the same thing at work by pretending that I’m from Australia: +2 Net Gain/Loss: +2 Total Points: 102

      • He must have read my blog ‘cause he sure seems convinced that he caused Charlotte’s death: +1
      • Was he flirting with a 12 year old Charlotte? Geez, she wasn't kidding when she said he was creepy: -2 Net Gain/Loss: -1 Total Points: 129

      • Hey she’s alive!! And she's a happy, go-lucky twelve year old who has no idea why the guy with the skinny tie is leering at her: +/- 0

      • This was a great episode right up until the moment when she stepped out of that Dharma van: -5
      • But I am looking forward to seeing her sleep with Horace to make Jack jealous: -1 Net Gain/Loss: -6 Total Points: 41

      • Welcome back Jack; let's hope that you haven't planned on using Juliet to get over Kate 'cause Sawyer stole her away from you just like he did with Kate: -2
      • Also, I’m willing to bet that if Sawyer had made it back to the mainland he would have made it a point to sleep with Jack’s mother and his ex-wife: -2 Net Gain/Loss: -4 Total Points: 95

      • I wonder what this crazy kid's been up to. More than likely he's trying to use the unique magnetic properties of his gigantic head to locate the Island. Net Gain/Loss: A freaking huge head that is capable of completely blocking out the Sun's rays and thus causing a new Ice Age.