The Circle Is Small

Well this episode was definitely a big surprise. I always stay far, far away from any type of previews of upcoming episodes so I had no clue that we would be getting a Miles flashback. So this episode came as a surprise because I had often wondered if and when we would ever get flashbacks of the freight-four and after Charlotte died without one I kinda gave up hope. So that's why when this episode started and I saw Pierre Chang's wife I knew immediately that christmas had come early. And sure enough a moment later a very small Miles came strolling by. The camera then followed the young Miles as he strolled the grounds of his prospective new home and moments later he kicked off an episode that actually gave us a some good answers. So let's discuss them shall we.

  • First off we were shown when Miles first started hearing dead people and we also got to see what he sees when it happens. That was actually pretty shocking to me because normally we just have to take things at face value with Lost. But instead we actually got some real insight into what it is that Miles does. Very cool.
  • We also learned that Mr Chang booted his wife and son off the Island when Miles was just a baby. Well at least this is the version that is told to Miles but I don't buy it all. From what we have seen Pierre is a jerk to his staff but at home he is a terrific dad. Not the type of guy who would ditch his family. I'd say he's more the type of guy who would convince his wife to leave the Island with their only son the very minute he learns about a future purge from a crazy scientist. It certainly makes sense especially when you consider the video that was shown at comic-con.
  • In the case of Charles Widemore vs Humanity the final nail was drilled into his coffin. I think that we can all say without a hint of doubt that Chucky staged the Oceanic Airlines wreckage. I was already 99.9% convinced but thanks to Miles we can now lay this mystery to bed.
  • The 3.2 million dollars that Miles asked Ben for? Well I think we got two possible answers for the price of three on that issue. 3.2 is double what Naomi was paying him (good luck collecting that money) so maybe he was just trying to double his money like with Bram. However, I believe that by asking for 3.2 million Miles was trying to figure out if Bram was working for Ben. But to figure out the answer to that question I'll need to rewatch that particular scene "Eggtown" but if I am remembering correctly I think Ben did have a visual reaction to the 3.2 million dollar remark. So for now I'm gonna say that I'm 42% positive that the "what lies in the shadow" people work for Ben.
  • Where did Dan run off to? Well it looks like he was in Ann Arbor, Michigan which would mean that he was mostly likely working with the Dagroots. So it will definitely be interesting to find out what he's learned during his time on the mainland.

That's pretty much all I have to say for right now but of course I have much more to comment on so for now you will just have to be patient and check back in a couple days for my full recap.


  1. The Degroots are Gerald Degroot & his wife Karen. Together they founded the Dharma Initiative in 1970.
    They were graduate students studying at The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

