What.The.Hell. Was That??

Wow. So much to discuss and and so many points to hit on but I will still do my best to keep it "brief". First things first; during the scene of The Monster reading Ben's thoughts I immediately thought, "wow, there are gonna be a ton of people who hate this scene". Or maybe everybody in the world loved it; I'll have to read various message boards to find out. Regardless, I myself didn't judge it; it did seem a bit odd and I didn't know what to think but I guess that's probably how we were supposed to feel. But what is important is that we were witnessing Ben's mind being read by the Smoke Monster. And than right afterwards we got another classic WTF Lost moment.

When we saw Alex appear I was really afraid that Ben was about to bite it. But nope; instead "she" forcefully threatened Ben into becoming Locke's personal traveling secretary. Ben was allowed to live but only if he follows Locke's every word and protects him. Good news? Well definitely not for Ben. He has never been a follow and never one to take orders (except from Jacob). Plus, it's fairly certain that he's only on probation. As soon as Locke completes his work on the Island I'm betting the farm that Ben will die or rather he will be allowed to die. Now, onto other matters or more specificaly Charles Widemore.

Charles Widemore is a douchebag. Plain and simple. During the episode, "The Life...Jeremy Benthem" I actually entertained the notion that maybe he wasn't that bad of a guy. Well this episode certainly set me straight. First off, was his hair cut some kind of prank pulled by Richard and Jacob? Would you take orders from somebody that looked like that? But ignoring that for the moment we have exhibit B. He ordered Ben and Ethan to go find Danielle and kill her along with her baby. Think what you will of Ben but you have to give him points for refusing to kill a baby. Grown men and women he has no problem with but not babys. Even the rest of the Others were looking at Widemore like he was nuts. Especially Richard which is exhibit C of Widemore's douchebag behavior. You could clearly tell that he had no respect for Richard once he became "in charge". Maybe it was just me but Richard seemed to have a look on his face that said, "Widemore, I could kill you before you even blinked but the Island won't let me". But eventually things worked themselves out because many years later the Island finally had enough of Widemore's shit and he was banished. Hi-five Island!!

Okay, I'm gonna finish this up with just a couple more thoughts:

  • Was Ben really dumbfounded bv the carvings on the walls of the chamber he fell into? Obviously he's seem them before in his closet of doom and on the outer wall guarding the temple. Or was he able to read the carvings and he realized that this was Smokey's home. I'm thinking more along the lines of door number two.
  • Desmond; is he super human or something? Ben shoots him but than moments later Desmond is beating the snot out of him. I'm thinking that the Island "deflected" the bullet or something along those lines.
  • One of the reasons Widemore was banished was because he was leaving the Island regularly. Strange because that's exactly what Ben was doing. So why was Ben allowed to get away with doing the same thing? For now I'm just going to assume that the Island just hated Widemore and was using anything and everything as an excuse to banish his ass.
  • Well that's about all I have for now until I post my points summary for the episode. Stay gold.

    1 comment:

    1. maybe they "the writers" want us to love him the same way we love sayid and desmond. because they have excellent hair. but on anyone else it would be lamo hair. like jack with desmonds hair? no...or anyone with sayids hair...dorkus...
