Whatever Happened, Happened

This episode turned out to be really great which was a surprise because the moment I realized it was a Kate episode I threw up in my mouth. But this didn't turn out to be another "Eggtown" or "Whatever the Case May Be". No, this actually turned out to be really good.

But of course a lot of the credit goes to the scenes that didn't feature her. Like when Jack admitted that he came back to the Island because he was supposed to. And though I disagree with his actions it was also nice to hear him say that the Island would take care of Ben (I can't remember the exact words; sorry). He still has a long way to go but he's slowly turning from a Man of Science into a Man of Faith. I could go on and on about a ton of other little things but once I get started it's hard to stop so let's just jump into this thing face first...

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  • Does anybody in the Dharma Initiative think that it’s is weird that the gal from the motor-pool is also performing emergency surgeries? I mean come on. Nobody at all thinks that it’s weird. I understand that helping somebody give birth can be just chalked up to beginners luck but once you start in on the brain surgery people get suspicious. Well, normal people at least. Not Dharma folk. “Juliet, when you’re done changing those tires could help out in the O.R? That new heart for Bob arrived on the sub and we need you to perform a simple transplant. Thanks a bunch”: +1 (for being around a bunch of dumbasses)
  • And kudos to her for not laughing when Jack got of the shower naked. Or saying, “now I see why Kate didn’t marry you” or “now I see why Kate slept with Sawyer and everybody else on the Island instead of you” or “now I see why Sawyer is sleeping with me and not you”: +1
  • Net Gain/Loss: +2
    Total Points: 113


  • Worst. Doctor. Ever. “Hey, doc. Remember when you fixed my broken leg last year? Well I broke the other one today. Can ya fix it?” “Nope. I don’t perform repeat surgeries. I already fixed you once and I’m not gonna fix you a second time. Suck it.”: -1
  • Did anybody else see the disappointment on his face when got out of the shower and saw Juliet standing there instead of Sawyer?: -1
  • Realizes that Kate didn’t like the “ Old” Jack; newsflash Jack, nobody like the old Jack and not too many people like the new version either: +1
  • Net Gain/Loss: -1
    Total Points: 94


  • Takes Ben to see Richard because Juliet doesn’t want to watch a kid die: +2
  • Seems to understand that giving Ben to Richard will cause him to become “Evil” Ben and yet he doesn’t anyway because letting Ben die would be wrong: +5
  • Have I ever mentioned how awesome Sawyer has become ever since he killed Locke’s dad?: +2
  • And kudos to him for figuring out that it was Ben who let Sayid out. Although you could tell that he really wanted to blame Jack: +1
  • Net Gain/Loss: +10
    Total Points: 165


  • Lost his innocence at the age of twelve. Dude you beat me by, uh, um, lets just say you beat me by a wide margin and leave it at that: +1
  • I know he’s been through a lot the past two weeks so I shouldn’t kick him when he’s down but it was pretty obvious that he crapped his underwears when he woke up and saw Locke staring at him: +1
  • Net Gain/Loss: 0
    Total Points: 104


  • Look, I don’t know how things are done CrapHole Island but here, on the mainland, we get real worried when you take a twelve year old boy into some crazy temple and warn us that this young boy is about to “lose his innocence”: -1
  • But it was still really freaking cool how he just walked out of the jungle before anybody even told him that Sawyer was looking for him: +5
  • Net Gain/Loss: -4
    Total Points: 146


  • Received the harsh truth from Cassidy that Sawyer jumped off the helicopter because he couldn’t face a future with Kate: +1
  • I think Jack’s the only person on the planet who wouldn’t have done the same thing to avoid that fate: +1
  • Loses Aaron in the grocery store because she was distracted by her cell phone:-1
  • Seriously? Are you really that stupid? Kids are like wild animals. They run the first chance they get. This is why most people strap them to their back or bury them at the bottom of the grocery cart under the twinkies and ho-hos: -1
  • And of course the minute she gets him back she pawns him off on somebody she’s never met: -1
  • But not before telling Cassidy that she was actually relieved when he went missing: +1
  • And let’s not forgot that she locked him a hotel room and than went to Claire’s mother to tell her that she just won herself a 4 year old giant. And she can claim her prize four doors down where he’s sleeping. Alone. In a seedy motel. I mean, come on people!! What if Richard happened to stop by. Do you want him taking Aaron’s innocence?: -1
  • Net Gain/Loss: -2
    Total Points: 39


  • Look, the kid has a giant melon. He’s freaky looking. He sucks the souls of out small woodland creatures with just a glance. But at the end of the day that’s no reason to be playing hot potato with the kid. You just know that his grandmother is gonna drop him off at Goodwill next month. Heck, the only person who actually wanted the kid was Ethan but stupid Charlie went and killed him.
  • Net Gain/Loss: Well he’s no longer with Kate so I’d definitely say it’s a huge gain.
    Total Points: Here's hoping he someday finds a juice box as large as his head

    Roger Linus:

  • Damn you to hell Roger Workman. Just when I thought you were lowest form of scum you go and start talking about how you know what a terrible father you are and that you really do love Ben: +2
  • But I guess it doesn’t matter because once he gets back you’re just gonna beat him for ruining his sweatshirt. But for now you don’t seem too bad: -1
  • Were you hitting on Kate?? -1
  • I bet getting gassed by Ben seemed like a vacation compared to talking to Kate: +1
  • Net Gain/Loss: +1
    Total Points: 101


  • Dude, where did you go?? Things are starting to fall apart and they really need somebody to blame. I’m just gonna assume that you’re busy trying to install a Flux Capacitor on a Dharma Van: +10
  • Net Gain/Loss: +10 [these are provisional points; If I don’t see a time traveling Dharma Van these points may go away]
    Total Points: 139


  • Where the hell did you go running off to? Did you run off to join the Others and teach them all about proper hair care? I guess you could shack up with the Crazy French Lady; you two really seemed to hit off good the first time she captured and tortured you. Ahhh, young love: -1
  • Net Gain/Loss: -1
    Total Points: 112


  • How long did he wait for Ben to wake up? I mean, he must have spent a lot time rehearsing his “welcome to the land of the living line” so it would be a shame if Ben woke up and he wasn’t there to say it. So he’d have no choice except to wait and wait and wait. But it was still a pretty cool thing to say to the dude who strangled you to death.


    1. was RA telling the truth? was he lying about jacob and fixing ben? i dunno...ben is always lying. i dont know if RA has ever lied but still strange in some way.

    2. another side question. are the "whispers" jacob. when ben tells frenchie that she should run the other way when she hears whispers, it makes me think that the whispers are somehow tied to jacob and that he wants her dead. not that ben cares, but that he didnt do his job, and would prefer it take a while for jacob to find this out...?

    3. Well, we really don't know what happened in the Temple when Richard took Ben. I like to think that Richard had to ask The Island and/or Jacob to heal Ben. So I don't think Richard was lying because Jacob could have simply denied his request and allowed Ben to die.

      And the whispers? Well thanks to Ben's comment to Danielle every theory I had was crapped out the window. I thought they were tied to the time traveling (voices from a different time line "leaking" through the space-time continuum). But now it would seem that the whispers are directly tied to the Others.
      So now I think the whispers are how they communicate with each other but only the Others who have been "transformed" at the Temple have this ability.
