The Curious Case Of Jeremy Bentham

Another Wednesday and another A+ episode. In this episode we learned of the events that transpired after he turned the donkey wheel. He had a mission to convince the Oceanic 6 to return to the Island. And of course this mission went as well as anything else has ever gone in his life. In short, everybody pretty much tells Locke to go suck wind. Sayid won't return because he's too busy building homes with Jimmy Carter. He then visits Taller Ghost Walt but decides that his freaky powers are better left in New York. Hurley thinks Locke's a ghost which he's cool with but once he realizes Locke is alive he freaks out. Even the promise of finishing Hurley's golf course isn't enough to lure him back. His next stop is Kate's home but unlike Sawyer she is still insanely selfish and won't return with him. His last visit is with Jack who actually believes Locke and immediately agrees to return to Craphole Island. Just kidding; he actually takes Kate's insulting techniques and turns them up to 11. Not exactly a successful recruitment trip. Having believed that he's failed miserably, Locke decides to hang himself. This is a task that he's almost able to complete except that at the last moment he's interrupted by Ben. He talks Locke off of the ledge and really seems concerned for his well-being and it would appear that he wants to assist in the recruitment of the Oceanic 6. But then suddenly he he strangles Locke to death after he mentions that he needs to find Mrs Hawking. Hmm, maybe there was some truth to Widemore's story after all. Anyway, enough about that; let us jump right into things.
  • John Locke = Obi-Wan Kenobi: +3
  • "I remember dying". He always gets the coolest lines: +1
  • Finally gets that shin bone put back inside his leg where it belongs:+1
  • Gets turned down by all of the 06 that he visited:-1
  • Forgot to thank Walt for visiting him in the pit after Ben shot him:-1
  • Peg Bundy died while Locke was on the Island. Sniffle: -1
  • Highlight of his trip? Causing a three car cash. That's our crazy Locke. I bet he regets that none of those cars exploded: +1
  • Dies at the hands of Benjamin Linus: -158
  • But than just a few days later he's up and on his feet:+100
  • Did I mention that he was dead and the Island resurrected him: +80 Net Gain/Loss: +25 Total Points: 180
  • Charles Widemore:
  • So, Widemore was once the leader of the Others? Was he like the only one who applied for the job or something?: -1
  • Pretty much the only person who's helping Locke. Kate would have just broken his other leg and left him in the desert: +2
  • Tries to gain Locke's trust by pointing that unlike Ben, Widemore hasn't tried to kill him. And he tells Locke that he's special: +2 Net Gain/Loss: +3 Total Points: 147
  • Ben
  • Is clearly stalking Locke: -5
  • Killed Abaddon: -5
  • Shoot Locke once, shame on you. Strangle Locke to death, shame on me: -20 Net Gain/Loss: -30 Total Points: 104
  • Sayid:
  • Sayid is building houses for charity: +5
  • But once the house is built he'll probably shoot the owners: -2
  • Refuses Locke's request to return to the Island: -5
  • But he seems to be very untrusting due to his dealings with Ben so I could see why he'd say no: +1
  • However, just like the rest of the 06 he can't resist insulting Locke by saying that Locke only wants to return because he has no where else to go. Jerk: -2 Net Gain/Loss: -3 Total Points: 113
  • Hurley:
  • Dude. It's very rude to always assume that your visitors are ghosts. Not cool: -5
  • Locke needs a favor and what does Hurley do? He throws a hissy fit and runs away: -10
  • Continues to do his best to win the award of "Dumbest Lost Character": -5 Net Gain/Loss: -20 Total Points:47
  • Kate:
  • Manages to completely cut Locke down by telling him that he sucks at life because he never loved anybody:-10
  • Did I mention that she has nothing to base this on and she has no idea what Locke has been through: -10
  • So...Sawyer loves her enough to jump out of the helicopter risking death to ensure that the helicopter won't crash. But she's too selfish to even consider returning to the Island to save him. She really sucks: -25 Net Gain/Loss: -45 Total Points: 47
  • Jack:
  • "Have you ever stopped to think that these delusions that you're special aren't real? That maybe there's nothing important about you at all? Maybe you are just a lonely old man that crashed on an Island." That was really uncalled for: -20 Net Gain/Loss: -20 Total Points: 99
  • 316

    In complete contrast to "This Place is Death" this episode was action free (aside from a bloodied and bruised Ben) yet it was just as every bit exciting due to the sheer volume of information we were given. We learned how Dharma discovered the Island and we learned that the Island is contastly moving. We learned that it wasn't Christians fault that he was wearing white sneakers with his suit. His son just isn't that good of a dresser. We saw that Jin is posing as a Dharma worker which answers the question of where the time-jumpers ended up after Locke fixed the wheel. We also have plenty of questions. Where is Aaron? Why did Kate give him up so easily? Do we really care? How was Hurley convinced to go back? I'm guessing Charlie finally got through to him or maybe Libby paid him a visit. Was Sayid really under arrest or is he being escorted by an Other dressed as a marshal? Why wasn't Lapidus scared out of his mind when he saw Jack and the other members of the Oceanic 6? He should have known that there was no chance of that plane landing in Guam, or anywhere else for that matter, safely. Lets just hope he's still alive. Anyway, enough of my rambling. Let's get to uh, um, more of my ramblings. Jack: Welcome back to the Island. Hope you saved your peanuts this time: +1 Well here's a shock; Jack has a crazy granddad with a shoe fetish: +1 Doesn't really care where Aaron is. Just wants his pity-sex: +1 Jack finally explains the mystery of why Christian was wearing tennis shoes: +2 Gives Locke back his love letter because deep down Jack will always be an ass: -2 Net Gain/Loss: +3 Total Points: 119 Kate: Traded Aaron for a pair of hiking shoes at a pawn shop: +2 Lived through the crash: -2 Net Gain/Loss: 0 Total Points: 92 Aaron Evidently the Island wants nothing to do with his giant head-of-doom: +5 Net Gain/Loss: +5 Total Points: Do you think Kate decided to leave Aaron in the car and right now he's just chilling at the airport in long term parking? Ben Looks like Ben got the snot beat out of him. Just like old times: +1 But he might have killed Penny during that scuffle: So...-1 Net Gain/Loss: 0 Total Points: 134 Locke: So Locke had to turn the Donkey Wheel and return to the mainland just to get Christian a new pair of shoes?: +1 Even though he's dead he still managed to make Jack feel guilty: +2 And it looks like he also managed to crash the plane. Very impressive: +5 Net Gain/Loss: +8 Total Points: 155 Hurley: >Forgot how to swim: -2 But at least he's bringing back a guitar for Charlie: +1 Bought all the extra seats in first class to save innocent lives: +1 But the people in coach? Screw them I guess: -1 Net Gain/Loss: -1 Total Points:67 Jin: DUDE! You've got a gun and you have Jack and Kate in your sights. Do the right thing and end my suffering: -5 Net Gain/Loss: -5 Total Points: 101 Mrs Hawking: In just a few short minutes she manages to completely blow our minds by explaining how the Island was first discovered: +25 Lapidus: "We're not going to Guam, are we?": +5 Survived the crash. Right? He must have survived. He's too cool to die: +1

    What I did during my vacation on Craphole Island. By Daniel Faraday.

    Okay, I said that Daniel is responsible for Charlotte’s death and I will try to explain how. The short, simple answer is that he ended up somewhere in time around 1980 and due to his actions in that time period he created a paradox. This paradox was the cause of Charlotte’s death which is actually pretty ironic as you will see. Daniel told us earlier that you can’t change the past or the future, or in his words, “you can’t create a new street”. Whatever happened in the past will always happen and what happens in the future will always happen. It would appear however that Daniel decided to ignore the rules and as a result Charlotte suffered the consequences of his actions. I believe that after Charlotte died, Daniel made up his mind to do whatever he could to prevent her death from happening. Based on the opening of “Because You Left” it’s safe to assume that Daniel jumped to sometime around 1980 when Locke fixed the Frozen Donkey Wheel. During this time in the past he seeks out Charlotte and her mother who are living on the Island and he convinces them to leave the Island and never come back. Originally this conversation never happened in the past but Daniel “created” it and right before she died Charlotte suddenly remembered it. This conversation between Daniel and Charlotte created a paradox of some sorts and this is why she eventually died. His actions in the past were an attempt to save her life but instead he actually became the cause of her death.

    This Place Is Death

    Well this episode definitely lived up to its title. We saw Danielle kill her team, we saw Smokey and his lair of doom, we wept when Charlotte passed away, and lastly it would seem that Christian, Richard and/or the Island have all sent Locke on a one-way trip back to the mainland.

    It was an episode filled with mythology, heartbreak, and more than a few moments that sent chills up my spine. Let’s dive right into it and don’t forget to read my theory on how Daniel killed Charlotte and how this relates to the Oceanic 6 returning to the Island.

    • Alienates Kate: +2
    • Alienates Sayid: -1
    • Mans up and admits that he’s responsible for Jin’s “death”: +1
    • Tells Sun that he’ll kill Ben if she doesn’t: -1
    Net Gain/Loss: +1
    Total Points: 116

    Sun: Wanted to turn Aaron into a pet for her daughter: +1 Blames Ben instead of Jack (for Jin’s “death”): -1 Agrees to return to the Island with Ben: +2 Left Aaron in the car with the windows rolled up: +2 Net Gain/Loss: +4 Total Points: 112 Aaron Could have easily used his giant head to break out of Sun’s car: -5 Net Gain/Loss: -5 Total Points: If Aaron went to Japan with Sun, would the airline require that he and his giant be stowed away in the cargo hold? Ben Manages to not laugh when Sun pointed a gun at him: +1 As usual he has an ace up his sleeve; In this case, Jin’s wedding ring: +1 Can we please see more scenes of him yelling at the O6: +2 Net Gain/Loss: +4 Total Points: 134 Charlotte:
    Speaks Klingon: +2 “This place is Death”. Cool! She traveled to the kitchen in my old apartment: +1 Remembers living on the Island as a child and remembers Dan telling her to leave and never come back. Very cool: +1 So passes Charlotte, daughter of an Other: -102 Net Gain/Loss: -98 Total Points: 0 Daniel Killed Charlotte (I will explain how later): -2 Net Gain/Loss: -2 Total Points: 130 Miles FYI. Miles is from Encino. Jin’s from Korea: +1 Net Gain/Loss: +1 Total Points: 112 Sawyer Had every intention of digging Locke out of the well-that-is-no-longer: +1 Net Gain/Loss: +1 Total Points: 146 Locke: Resisted the urge to blow up the well: +1 Has another awesome conversation with Jack’s dad: +2 Fixed the frozen donkey wheel that Ben broke: +5 Net Gain/Loss: +8 Total Points: 147 Jin: Jin found the Temple! Good job Jin. Here's a cookie: +1 Fakes his own death to prevent Sun from returning to the Island: +5 Net Gain/Loss: +6 Total Points: 106 Rousseau: Well I guess she wasn’t lying when she told Sayid that she killed her science team: +1 And it also looks like she wasn’t lying when she said they became sick: +1 Net Gain/Loss: +2 Total Points: 106 Montand: Didn’t I tell you last week to enjoy your arms while you still had both of them: -101 Net Gain/Loss: -101 Total Points: 0

    The Little Prince

    Overall "The Litte Prince" was a decent episode. There was the big reveal that Jin survived the freightor explosion and then the even bigger reveal that he was rescued by Rousseau. We've been waiting since Season 1 for the powers-that-be to give her a flashback and this was definitely a neat way of doing it. Now we just have to cross our fingers and hope that they figure out a way to show us what exactly happened to her team and how they died. As far as the points cup is concerned we had some big gains and some big losses. Charlotte rose from the dead which definitely helped her and meanwhile,off-island, Hurley continued to be stupid which may end up disqualifying him this season. Richard still holds the points lead due to his advantage of being able to dish out Island secrets whenever he wants. But right behind him is the new and improved Sawyer. Killing Anthony Cooper at the end of Season 3 really changed him and now that he has buried his past he truly has become the new Island Hero. And now, with the introductions behind us, we can dive right into this week's standings.

  • Suspended from the hospital for being more drunk than his father: -2
  • Instead of telling Kate that she's in danger he instead chooses to have a typical Jack/Kate conversation where nothing meaningful is exchanged: -2
  • It's Okay. (Ben)'s with me: +5
    Net Gain/Loss: +1
    Total Points: 114
  • Pretends to be Jack's girl for the 100th time: -5
  • Steals Sun's dress (you just know that she has no intention of giving it back): -5
  • Fights for custody of a giant head attached to a little boy's body: -1
  • Delivers Claire's baby again: +1
  • Was totally conned by Ben and his lawyer: -5
    Net Gain/Loss: -15
    Total Points: 92
  • His giant head made a ketchup bottle look minature: -5
    Net Gain/Loss: -5
    Total Points: Pretty soon they're gonna need Eric Stoltz to play this kid.

  • Believes that kids can live on candy bars and beer found in hotel mini-bars: +1
  • Is spying on Ben: -2
  • Or is she actually spying on Jack: +4
  • Those chocolates are to die for: +2
  • To die for. Get it?? Because of the gun in the box. Never mind: -2
    Net Gain/Loss: +3
    Total Points: 108
  • Gets attacked while recovering from choking Jack. Just another day in the life of Sayid: +3
  • Temporarily reconciles with his b.f.f. Ben: +1
    Net Gain/Loss: +4
    Total Points: 116
  • Keeps trying to win back Sayid by shooting him with tranqulizers: +2
  • And it actually seems to have worked: +5
  • Has an off-Island lawyer who probably has four toes: -1 (lawyers are scary)
  • Tried to spell "reincarnation" on the side of his party van but jumbled up the letters: -1
  • Seemed to really enjoy messing with Kate's head: +3
    Net Gain/Loss: +8
    Total Points: 130
  • RIP Charlotte: 0
  • Never mind. Just a flesh wound: +100
  • Wasn't paddling as hard as everybody else in the boat: -2
    *Just want to throw in my two cents on Charlotte; Her being alive after her seizures doesn't make sense unless something else is going on. My two theories on this? 1. She's dead but nobody except Mile's knows this. I also think this is the case with Claire. 2. She is an Other like Mikhail so she was able to survive what looked like a killer seizure. Just like Mikhail survived an even worse seizure when he was thrown throw the sonic fence by Locke. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Net Gain/Loss: +98
    Total Points: 98
  • Doesn't understand the subtle differences between jet lag and violent, deadly seizures: -1
  • Catches up to the rest of us and realizes that Miles might have spent his childhood attending Craphole Island daycare : +2
    Net Gain/Loss: +1
    Total Points: 132
  • Am I the only one looking forward to seeing a Dharma Daycare orientation video hosted by a 4 year old Miles?: +2
    Net Gain/Loss: +2
    Total Points: 111
  • His character transformation makes its final turn when he says, "It doesn't matter what I want": +15
  • Has a heart to heart with Juliet: +5
  • Wants to leave the Island and go straight to Vegas. Good priorities, James: +2
    Net Gain/Loss: +22
    Total Points: 145
  • Wants to head back to the Orchid Station to finish watching the orientation video: +2
  • Sooo wants to find the Ajira Airlines plane so he can blow it up: +2
  • "I needed that pain to get to where I am now". I miss the insightful Lockeisms from Season 1: +2
    Net Gain/Loss: +6
    Total Points: 139
  • Thinks he's totally cool being locked up in L.A. County Jail: -5
  • Thinks there's any place in the world where he'd be safe from Ben: -5
    Net Gain/Loss: -10
    Total Points: 68
  • Still trying to play hard-to-get with Sawyer: -1
  • Doesn't smack Daniel for his jet lag analogy: +1
  • Shows what a good shot she is when she successfully shoots somebody in the boat chasing them: +3
  • Actually, that's probably a bad thing because that was probably the Oceanic 6 in that boat: -2 *
    Net Gain/Loss: +1
    Total Points: 106
    *I'm on board with people who think that the people in the boat that were chasing the time-jumpers were actually the Oceanic 6. It makes sense because they were in the "future" (the future from the time period of the time-jumpers). It was definitely +2005 and more than likely it was 2009. The Ajira Airline water bottle they found is the clue when trying to figure out what year it is. We can assume that it's 2009 or later because that airline didn't start flights until January 21, 2009. It would make sense that the O6 came back to the Island in a plane due to the fact Kate and Sawyer were building a runway when they were being held captive by The Others in Season 3. But of course this raises the question of why would the O6 be shooting the time-jumpers. My crazy answer to that would be that the only way to stop the time-skipping is to kill the time-jumpers. But who knows. Other theories on the mystery boat would be that the time-jumpers are actually chasing themselves. Eventually the time-skipping stops and they stumble upon their past selves who have jumped foward to this point. Maybe they don't realize who they're shooting at and they think that they are actually shooting more of Widemore's men. Sounds kinda possible. Another theory floating on the internets is that an Ajira Airlines flight crashed on the Island just like the Oceanic flight did back in 2004. When the Oceanic 6 returned to the Island they were unable to fix things properly so things kinda got "reset" and the Island crashed another plane and it will be up to those people to save the island. These new survivors would've have been shooting at the time-jumpers because they thought they were the Others. Sounds crazy but this is one of the many crazy theories floating around the net.

  • Risen from the dead!! Time travel is fun: +100
  • Made it safely to shore with her science team: +5
  • And she hasn't killed any of them yet: +1
  • Also, totally not crazy or insane yet: +1
    Net Gain/Loss: +106
    Total Points: 106
  • Enjoy those two arms while you still got 'em: +1
    Net Gain/Loss: +1
    Total Points: 101

  • Jughead

  • Finds a doctor to deliver the baby: +10
  • Jinxes himself by asking, "Why in god's name would I ever go back there" thus making it almost certain that he will end up back on the Island: -1
  • Arrives at Oxford to deliver Daniel's message: +1
  • Can't remember what year he visited Daniel: -1
  • Rocks some awesome sunglasses and manages to make himself look even more awesome than he already does: +2
  • Meets sister of a girl that Farady put into a coma: +1
  • Fails to ask her if she knows where he can Faraday's mum: -1
  • Learns that Charles Widemore is Faraday's benefactor and manages to not pass out from shock unlike myself: +2
  • Barges into Widemore's office because he's Desmond and he can do whatever he wants: +2
  • Gets the address of Faraday's mother from Widemore: +1
  • Lies to Penny: -1
  • But tells her the truth immediately after she calls him on it: +1
  • Net Gain/Loss: +16
    Total Points: 129
  • Gives birth to healthy bouncing baby: +5
  • Doesn't let Desmond turn his back on his mission to find Faraday's mother: +2
  • Net Gain/Loss: +7
    Total Points: 107
    Charlie Hume:
  • Free points for being born! +100
  • Fails to come out of womb looking like Barry Gibb: -5
  • Is named after Charlie Pace: +10
  • Net Gain/Loss: 100
    Total Points: 105
  • Notices claymore in ground thus saving the lives everbody in the scene who has a name: +5
  • Nominates Faraday as their leader when confronted by the Others: -1
  • Uses his mystery powers and discovers 4 recently dead U.S. soldiers: +2
  • Fails to discover what year it is with said power: -1
  • Net/Gain Loss: +5
    Total Points: 109
  • Still refuses to tell Charlotte that she's about to be no longer of this world: -1
  • Has an ex-girlfriend whom he used as a lab rat: -1
  • Left her unstuck in time and in a coma: -1
  • Tells Richard that he can dismantle the hydrogen bomb: +2
  • Tells Richard that he's in love with Charlotte: +3
  • Fails to notice that Charlotte is standing next to him: -1 (awkward...)
  • Gets to the hydrogen bomb and realizes that it may be beyond repair: +1
  • Tells Ellie the Other to bury the bomb in lead and concrete: +2
  • But this may be what was under the Swan Station and may be what caused the incident: -2
  • Tells Ellie about how he's from the future which probably serves at the starting point for a lot of the things that are going to happen during the next 50 years: +???
  • Holds a bleeding Charlotte during what will probably turn out to be her final moments on the island: +2
  • Net Gain/Loss: +4
    Total Points: 131
  • Seemed to be pleased that Faraday is in love with her: +5
  • Begins the Minkowski seizure of death: -5
  • Is most likely no longer going to be alive on the island: -99
  • Net Gain/Loss: -99
    Total Points: 0
  • Asks Juliette the age-old question," (do you) wanna stay here in Crazytown or help me rescue the geek?": +5
  • Net Gain/Loss: +5
    Total Points: 123
  • Actually does something to earn some points this week: +1
  • Lets us know that the military men are Others and speaks Latin to them: +2
  • Fails to speak to them in Pig Latin: -2
  • Passed Others 101 while on the Island: +1
  • Tells us that Richard has always been on the Island and that he's old: +5
  • On second thought, that answer was a little too vague: -2
  • Net Gain/Loss: +5
    Totat Points: 105
  • Doesn't shoot Widemore because "he's one of my people": +2
  • Tells Richard that Jacob sent him: +5
  • Should have told Richard that Taller Ghost Walt sent him: -1
  • Gives Richard the compass back:+1
  • But Richard will give it to John in 50 years: -1
  • But than he'll give it back to him again: +1
  • Plays the "I'm your leader" card with Richard: +1
  • Causes our brains to explode by telling Richard to visit him in the hospital in 2 years to witness his birth: +10
  • Time travels away before he can learn how to get off the Island: -1
  • Net Gain/Loss: +17
    Total Points: 133
  • Shows up not looking like a homeless hippy: +1
  • Makes young Widemore look stupid in front of the other Others: +1
  • Doesn't shoot Locke despite Locke proclaiming that he's their leader: +1
  • Clues us all in when he tells us that the selection process for their leaders begins at a very, very young age: +5 (uh how about negative 2 years old because in a sense that's how old Locke is at this point)
  • Visits Locke in the future because of this meeting that occured in the past: +10
  • Takes compass from Locke that he will give to Locke in the future so that Locke can give it back to him in the past: +5
  • Net Gain/Loss: +23
    Total Points: 149
    Charles Widemore:
  • Is/Was a freaking Other: +15
  • Is unaware that he's death-proof because he's still alive in 50 years thus he can never die in the past: +10
  • Snaps the kneck of his fellow Other to shut him up: -2
  • Escapes: +1
  • Calls Locke an old man and thinks that Locke doesn't know the Island as well as he does: -5
  • Allows Locke and crew to follow him back to the camp: +1
  • Confirms that he is indeed Charles Widemore: +5
  • Is completely unaware of how lightheaded he made the viewers when he confirmed it: -5
  • Is completely unsurprised to see Desmond: +2
  • Fails to offer Desmond scotch: -2
  • Gives Desmond the address of Faraday's mom: +1
  • Tells Desmond to go back into hiding afterwards and keep Penny safe: +1
  • Net Gain/Loss: +22
    Total Points: 122
  • Appears to flirt with Faraday: +5
  • Is probably Faraday's mother which makes the flirting a bit wrong: -6
