Quick thoughts on the ending of "He's Our You"

If you have not yet seen the latest episode, "He's Our You", than please do not read this post otherwise the ending will be ruined for you. You've been warned.

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O.k so what in the hell happened at the end of this episode. Simply stated it would appear that Sayid shot a twelve year old Benjamin Linus and left him for dead. I'll try to find a good picture of the wound because you could clearly see that the bullet struck him near the middle of his chest. So what does this all mean? I have a couple of theories which will probably all turn out to be false but let's do this anyways.
  1. Okay, Daniel told us that you can't change the past and whatever happened has always happened and always will. Now this rule only makes sense if Ben ends up surviving. But of course they are complications if he does indeed survive and I'll address them in the next bullet point. So for now let's stay focused on why things don't make sense if Ben dies at age twelve.

    Now, the reason why Sayid was in a position to shoot Ben in 1977 was because of a series of events that eventually caused Sayid to be on the Ajira flight in the year 2007ish. All of those of events were set in motion when Benjamin turned the donkey wheel. If Ben died at age twelve then he never would have been able to set those events in motion. And if that was the case than Sayid never would have ended up in 1977 and in a position to kill Ben. Yeah. Now in a third bullet point I'll talk about the "what-if' aspect of Ben being dead but for now it's onto theory number 2.

  1. Theory number two...Okay, if all of those events I mentioned above needed to happen to put Sayid in that position than it would be safe to assume that Ben would be immortal in a sense. He may have been shot but he'll survive because the Island won't allow him to die because of all of the work that he needs to do in the future. So on one hand it makes perfect sense but on the other hand it also makes absolutely no sense. Ben thinks Sayid is an Other like Richard so in his mind he was just shot by one of them. Now why would he decide to join them and help them purge the Dharma folks? It makes no sense unless Richard somehow convinces him that Sayid is a time traveler with a grudge. Yeah, good luck with that, Richard. Moving right along...we finally arrive at my third theory and the one that I hope ends up being true.

  1. Ben is dead. Sayid shot and killed him when Ben was 12 years old. This event happened in the past and it is an event that will always happen. But of course dead is a relative term when you're on Craphole Island. I think Benjamin will now be like Christian Shephard (remember when Widemore said to him, "I know WHAT you are"). I don't know how exactly but when finally picks himself up off that dirt road he'll find out that he's dead and he'll learn all about the Island and his destiny. Information given to him by this person will also be the reason why he always knows so much about everybody and why he always seemed to know what was going to happen next. This is how he stayed a step ahead of everybody. Okay, here's where my theory gets innaresting.

    I believe that this person will be Jacob. I think that at this point in time Jacob isn't trapped in "The Cabin" so he'll be able to visit the now freshly deceased Benjamin Linus and have this chat with him. Now, I believe that the only people who can see or hear Jacob are dead people. There's always rules on this damn Island. This is why Benjamin was the only person that we know of that has ever seen or spoken to Jacob. Well before Locke that is. This is also why Locke is so special. At first Ben didn't want to bring Locke to see Jacob because he didn't want to anger Jacob but at the same time he also figured it wouldn't matter because Locke wouldn't be able to see him. However, Locke was somehow able to hear Jacob when they were in the cabin. It was only two words but it was more than enough to make Benjamin realize that Locke was a huge threat to him.

    Now,if this last theory is true than it would explain why Christian is doing the talking for Jacob. Living and breathing people can see and hear Christian just fine but they can't see or hear Jacob. Near the end of Season 3 things on the Island started to go downhill and Jacob needed some help but he's not digging on Ben anymore. He knows that Locke is the only one who can save The Island but because Locke is alive he needs to find a way to communicate with him. This is where Christian comes into play. If Jacob could speak to Locke directly he would but unfortunately he can't so he recruited Christian to be his speaker. He was actually being literal when he told Locke that he was speaking for Jacob.

I don't know how much of this will pan out but these are my simple thoughts on this matter and now we'll just have to wait and see how wrong I am.

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