- Finds a doctor to deliver the baby: +10
- Jinxes himself by asking, "Why in god's name would I ever go back there" thus making it almost certain that he will end up back on the Island: -1
- Arrives at Oxford to deliver Daniel's message: +1
- Can't remember what year he visited Daniel: -1
- Rocks some awesome sunglasses and manages to make himself look even more awesome than he already does: +2
- Meets sister of a girl that Farady put into a coma: +1
- Fails to ask her if she knows where he can Faraday's mum: -1
- Learns that Charles Widemore is Faraday's benefactor and manages to not pass out from shock unlike myself: +2
- Barges into Widemore's office because he's Desmond and he can do whatever he wants: +2
- Gets the address of Faraday's mother from Widemore: +1
- Lies to Penny: -1
- But tells her the truth immediately after she calls him on it: +1
Net Gain/Loss: +16
Total Points: 129
- Gives birth to healthy bouncing baby: +5
- Doesn't let Desmond turn his back on his mission to find Faraday's mother: +2
Net Gain/Loss: +7
Total Points: 107
Charlie Hume:
- Free points for being born! +100
- Fails to come out of womb looking like Barry Gibb: -5
- Is named after Charlie Pace: +10
Net Gain/Loss: 100
Total Points: 105
- Notices claymore in ground thus saving the lives everbody in the scene who has a name: +5
- Nominates Faraday as their leader when confronted by the Others: -1
- Uses his mystery powers and discovers 4 recently dead U.S. soldiers: +2
- Fails to discover what year it is with said power: -1
Net/Gain Loss: +5
Total Points: 109
- Still refuses to tell Charlotte that she's about to be no longer of this world: -1
- Has an ex-girlfriend whom he used as a lab rat: -1
- Left her unstuck in time and in a coma: -1
- Tells Richard that he can dismantle the hydrogen bomb: +2
- Tells Richard that he's in love with Charlotte: +3
- Fails to notice that Charlotte is standing next to him: -1 (awkward...)
- Gets to the hydrogen bomb and realizes that it may be beyond repair: +1
- Tells Ellie the Other to bury the bomb in lead and concrete: +2
- But this may be what was under the Swan Station and may be what caused the incident: -2
- Tells Ellie about how he's from the future which probably serves at the starting point for a lot of the things that are going to happen during the next 50 years: +???
- Holds a bleeding Charlotte during what will probably turn out to be her final moments on the island: +2
Net Gain/Loss: +4
Total Points: 131
- Seemed to be pleased that Faraday is in love with her: +5 Net Gain/Loss: +5 Total Points: 123 Juliette:
- Actually does something to earn some points this week: +1
- Lets us know that the military men are Others and speaks Latin to them: +2
- Fails to speak to them in Pig Latin: -2
- Passed Others 101 while on the Island: +1
- Tells us that Richard has always been on the Island and that he's old: +5
- On second thought, that answer was a little too vague: -2
Net Gain/Loss: +5
Totat Points: 105
- Doesn't shoot Widemore because "he's one of my people": +2
- Tells Richard that Jacob sent him: +5
- Should have told Richard that Taller Ghost Walt sent him: -1
- Gives Richard the compass back:+1
- But Richard will give it to John in 50 years: -1
- But than he'll give it back to him again: +1
- Plays the "I'm your leader" card with Richard: +1
- Causes our brains to explode by telling Richard to visit him in the hospital in 2 years to witness his birth: +10
- Time travels away before he can learn how to get off the Island: -1
Net Gain/Loss: +17
Total Points: 133
- Shows up not looking like a homeless hippy: +1
- Makes young Widemore look stupid in front of the other Others: +1
- Doesn't shoot Locke despite Locke proclaiming that he's their leader: +1
- Clues us all in when he tells us that the selection process for their leaders begins at a very, very young age: +5 (uh how about negative 2 years old because in a sense that's how old Locke is at this point)
- Visits Locke in the future because of this meeting that occured in the past: +10
- Takes compass from Locke that he will give to Locke in the future so that Locke can give it back to him in the past: +5
Net Gain/Loss: +23
Total Points: 149
Charles Widemore:
- Is/Was a freaking Other: +15
- Is unaware that he's death-proof because he's still alive in 50 years thus he can never die in the past: +10
- Snaps the kneck of his fellow Other to shut him up: -2
- Escapes: +1
- Calls Locke an old man and thinks that Locke doesn't know the Island as well as he does: -5
- Allows Locke and crew to follow him back to the camp: +1
- Confirms that he is indeed Charles Widemore: +5
- Is completely unaware of how lightheaded he made the viewers when he confirmed it: -5
- Is completely unsurprised to see Desmond: +2
- Fails to offer Desmond scotch: -2
- Gives Desmond the address of Faraday's mom: +1
- Tells Desmond to go back into hiding afterwards and keep Penny safe: +1
Net Gain/Loss: +22
Total Points: 122
- Appears to flirt with Faraday: +5
- Is probably Faraday's mother which makes the flirting a bit wrong: -6
- Gives Desmond the address of Faraday's mom: +1
- Fails to offer Desmond scotch: -2
- Is completely unsurprised to see Desmond: +2
- Is completely unaware of how lightheaded he made the viewers when he confirmed it: -5
- Confirms that he is indeed Charles Widemore: +5
- Allows Locke and crew to follow him back to the camp: +1
- Calls Locke an old man and thinks that Locke doesn't know the Island as well as he does: -5
- Escapes: +1
- Snaps the kneck of his fellow Other to shut him up: -2
- Is unaware that he's death-proof because he's still alive in 50 years thus he can never die in the past: +10
- Visits Locke in the future because of this meeting that occured in the past: +10
- Clues us all in when he tells us that the selection process for their leaders begins at a very, very young age: +5 (uh how about negative 2 years old because in a sense that's how old Locke is at this point)
- Doesn't shoot Locke despite Locke proclaiming that he's their leader: +1
- Makes young Widemore look stupid in front of the other Others: +1
- Causes our brains to explode by telling Richard to visit him in the hospital in 2 years to witness his birth: +10
- Plays the "I'm your leader" card with Richard: +1
- But than he'll give it back to him again: +1
- But Richard will give it to John in 50 years: -1
- Gives Richard the compass back:+1
- Should have told Richard that Taller Ghost Walt sent him: -1
- Tells Richard that Jacob sent him: +5
- Tells us that Richard has always been on the Island and that he's old: +5
- Passed Others 101 while on the Island: +1
- Fails to speak to them in Pig Latin: -2
- Lets us know that the military men are Others and speaks Latin to them: +2
- Tells Ellie about how he's from the future which probably serves at the starting point for a lot of the things that are going to happen during the next 50 years: +???
- But this may be what was under the Swan Station and may be what caused the incident: -2
- Tells Ellie the Other to bury the bomb in lead and concrete: +2
- Gets to the hydrogen bomb and realizes that it may be beyond repair: +1
- Fails to notice that Charlotte is standing next to him: -1 (awkward...)
- Tells Richard that he's in love with Charlotte: +3
- Tells Richard that he can dismantle the hydrogen bomb: +2
- Left her unstuck in time and in a coma: -1
- Has an ex-girlfriend whom he used as a lab rat: -1
- Uses his mystery powers and discovers 4 recently dead U.S. soldiers: +2
- Nominates Faraday as their leader when confronted by the Others: -1
- Fails to come out of womb looking like Barry Gibb: -5
- Lies to Penny: -1
- Gets the address of Faraday's mother from Widemore: +1
- Barges into Widemore's office because he's Desmond and he can do whatever he wants: +2
- Learns that Charles Widemore is Faraday's benefactor and manages to not pass out from shock unlike myself: +2
- Fails to ask her if she knows where he can Faraday's mum: -1
- Meets sister of a girl that Farady put into a coma: +1
- Rocks some awesome sunglasses and manages to make himself look even more awesome than he already does: +2
- Can't remember what year he visited Daniel: -1
- Arrives at Oxford to deliver Daniel's message: +1
- Jinxes himself by asking, "Why in god's name would I ever go back there" thus making it almost certain that he will end up back on the Island: -1
The Island Isn't Done With Me Yet
Hello my dear friends -
Wow, it feels good to write those words. It's been waaaay too long—over a
year! And I didn't even realize until last night that the...
10 years ago
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