The Little Prince

Overall "The Litte Prince" was a decent episode. There was the big reveal that Jin survived the freightor explosion and then the even bigger reveal that he was rescued by Rousseau. We've been waiting since Season 1 for the powers-that-be to give her a flashback and this was definitely a neat way of doing it. Now we just have to cross our fingers and hope that they figure out a way to show us what exactly happened to her team and how they died. As far as the points cup is concerned we had some big gains and some big losses. Charlotte rose from the dead which definitely helped her and meanwhile,off-island, Hurley continued to be stupid which may end up disqualifying him this season. Richard still holds the points lead due to his advantage of being able to dish out Island secrets whenever he wants. But right behind him is the new and improved Sawyer. Killing Anthony Cooper at the end of Season 3 really changed him and now that he has buried his past he truly has become the new Island Hero. And now, with the introductions behind us, we can dive right into this week's standings.

  • Suspended from the hospital for being more drunk than his father: -2
  • Instead of telling Kate that she's in danger he instead chooses to have a typical Jack/Kate conversation where nothing meaningful is exchanged: -2
  • It's Okay. (Ben)'s with me: +5
    Net Gain/Loss: +1
    Total Points: 114
  • Pretends to be Jack's girl for the 100th time: -5
  • Steals Sun's dress (you just know that she has no intention of giving it back): -5
  • Fights for custody of a giant head attached to a little boy's body: -1
  • Delivers Claire's baby again: +1
  • Was totally conned by Ben and his lawyer: -5
    Net Gain/Loss: -15
    Total Points: 92
  • His giant head made a ketchup bottle look minature: -5
    Net Gain/Loss: -5
    Total Points: Pretty soon they're gonna need Eric Stoltz to play this kid.

  • Believes that kids can live on candy bars and beer found in hotel mini-bars: +1
  • Is spying on Ben: -2
  • Or is she actually spying on Jack: +4
  • Those chocolates are to die for: +2
  • To die for. Get it?? Because of the gun in the box. Never mind: -2
    Net Gain/Loss: +3
    Total Points: 108
  • Gets attacked while recovering from choking Jack. Just another day in the life of Sayid: +3
  • Temporarily reconciles with his b.f.f. Ben: +1
    Net Gain/Loss: +4
    Total Points: 116
  • Keeps trying to win back Sayid by shooting him with tranqulizers: +2
  • And it actually seems to have worked: +5
  • Has an off-Island lawyer who probably has four toes: -1 (lawyers are scary)
  • Tried to spell "reincarnation" on the side of his party van but jumbled up the letters: -1
  • Seemed to really enjoy messing with Kate's head: +3
    Net Gain/Loss: +8
    Total Points: 130
  • RIP Charlotte: 0
  • Never mind. Just a flesh wound: +100
  • Wasn't paddling as hard as everybody else in the boat: -2
    *Just want to throw in my two cents on Charlotte; Her being alive after her seizures doesn't make sense unless something else is going on. My two theories on this? 1. She's dead but nobody except Mile's knows this. I also think this is the case with Claire. 2. She is an Other like Mikhail so she was able to survive what looked like a killer seizure. Just like Mikhail survived an even worse seizure when he was thrown throw the sonic fence by Locke. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Net Gain/Loss: +98
    Total Points: 98
  • Doesn't understand the subtle differences between jet lag and violent, deadly seizures: -1
  • Catches up to the rest of us and realizes that Miles might have spent his childhood attending Craphole Island daycare : +2
    Net Gain/Loss: +1
    Total Points: 132
  • Am I the only one looking forward to seeing a Dharma Daycare orientation video hosted by a 4 year old Miles?: +2
    Net Gain/Loss: +2
    Total Points: 111
  • His character transformation makes its final turn when he says, "It doesn't matter what I want": +15
  • Has a heart to heart with Juliet: +5
  • Wants to leave the Island and go straight to Vegas. Good priorities, James: +2
    Net Gain/Loss: +22
    Total Points: 145
  • Wants to head back to the Orchid Station to finish watching the orientation video: +2
  • Sooo wants to find the Ajira Airlines plane so he can blow it up: +2
  • "I needed that pain to get to where I am now". I miss the insightful Lockeisms from Season 1: +2
    Net Gain/Loss: +6
    Total Points: 139
  • Thinks he's totally cool being locked up in L.A. County Jail: -5
  • Thinks there's any place in the world where he'd be safe from Ben: -5
    Net Gain/Loss: -10
    Total Points: 68
  • Still trying to play hard-to-get with Sawyer: -1
  • Doesn't smack Daniel for his jet lag analogy: +1
  • Shows what a good shot she is when she successfully shoots somebody in the boat chasing them: +3
  • Actually, that's probably a bad thing because that was probably the Oceanic 6 in that boat: -2 *
    Net Gain/Loss: +1
    Total Points: 106
    *I'm on board with people who think that the people in the boat that were chasing the time-jumpers were actually the Oceanic 6. It makes sense because they were in the "future" (the future from the time period of the time-jumpers). It was definitely +2005 and more than likely it was 2009. The Ajira Airline water bottle they found is the clue when trying to figure out what year it is. We can assume that it's 2009 or later because that airline didn't start flights until January 21, 2009. It would make sense that the O6 came back to the Island in a plane due to the fact Kate and Sawyer were building a runway when they were being held captive by The Others in Season 3. But of course this raises the question of why would the O6 be shooting the time-jumpers. My crazy answer to that would be that the only way to stop the time-skipping is to kill the time-jumpers. But who knows. Other theories on the mystery boat would be that the time-jumpers are actually chasing themselves. Eventually the time-skipping stops and they stumble upon their past selves who have jumped foward to this point. Maybe they don't realize who they're shooting at and they think that they are actually shooting more of Widemore's men. Sounds kinda possible. Another theory floating on the internets is that an Ajira Airlines flight crashed on the Island just like the Oceanic flight did back in 2004. When the Oceanic 6 returned to the Island they were unable to fix things properly so things kinda got "reset" and the Island crashed another plane and it will be up to those people to save the island. These new survivors would've have been shooting at the time-jumpers because they thought they were the Others. Sounds crazy but this is one of the many crazy theories floating around the net.

  • Risen from the dead!! Time travel is fun: +100
  • Made it safely to shore with her science team: +5
  • And she hasn't killed any of them yet: +1
  • Also, totally not crazy or insane yet: +1
    Net Gain/Loss: +106
    Total Points: 106
  • Enjoy those two arms while you still got 'em: +1
    Net Gain/Loss: +1
    Total Points: 101

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