This Place Is Death

Well this episode definitely lived up to its title. We saw Danielle kill her team, we saw Smokey and his lair of doom, we wept when Charlotte passed away, and lastly it would seem that Christian, Richard and/or the Island have all sent Locke on a one-way trip back to the mainland.

It was an episode filled with mythology, heartbreak, and more than a few moments that sent chills up my spine. Let’s dive right into it and don’t forget to read my theory on how Daniel killed Charlotte and how this relates to the Oceanic 6 returning to the Island.

  • Alienates Kate: +2
  • Alienates Sayid: -1
  • Mans up and admits that he’s responsible for Jin’s “death”: +1
  • Tells Sun that he’ll kill Ben if she doesn’t: -1
Net Gain/Loss: +1
Total Points: 116

Sun: Wanted to turn Aaron into a pet for her daughter: +1 Blames Ben instead of Jack (for Jin’s “death”): -1 Agrees to return to the Island with Ben: +2 Left Aaron in the car with the windows rolled up: +2 Net Gain/Loss: +4 Total Points: 112 Aaron Could have easily used his giant head to break out of Sun’s car: -5 Net Gain/Loss: -5 Total Points: If Aaron went to Japan with Sun, would the airline require that he and his giant be stowed away in the cargo hold? Ben Manages to not laugh when Sun pointed a gun at him: +1 As usual he has an ace up his sleeve; In this case, Jin’s wedding ring: +1 Can we please see more scenes of him yelling at the O6: +2 Net Gain/Loss: +4 Total Points: 134 Charlotte:
Speaks Klingon: +2 “This place is Death”. Cool! She traveled to the kitchen in my old apartment: +1 Remembers living on the Island as a child and remembers Dan telling her to leave and never come back. Very cool: +1 So passes Charlotte, daughter of an Other: -102 Net Gain/Loss: -98 Total Points: 0 Daniel Killed Charlotte (I will explain how later): -2 Net Gain/Loss: -2 Total Points: 130 Miles FYI. Miles is from Encino. Jin’s from Korea: +1 Net Gain/Loss: +1 Total Points: 112 Sawyer Had every intention of digging Locke out of the well-that-is-no-longer: +1 Net Gain/Loss: +1 Total Points: 146 Locke: Resisted the urge to blow up the well: +1 Has another awesome conversation with Jack’s dad: +2 Fixed the frozen donkey wheel that Ben broke: +5 Net Gain/Loss: +8 Total Points: 147 Jin: Jin found the Temple! Good job Jin. Here's a cookie: +1 Fakes his own death to prevent Sun from returning to the Island: +5 Net Gain/Loss: +6 Total Points: 106 Rousseau: Well I guess she wasn’t lying when she told Sayid that she killed her science team: +1 And it also looks like she wasn’t lying when she said they became sick: +1 Net Gain/Loss: +2 Total Points: 106 Montand: Didn’t I tell you last week to enjoy your arms while you still had both of them: -101 Net Gain/Loss: -101 Total Points: 0

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