Hurley: Doesn't want to lie. Instead wants to create a t.v. show about craphole Island: +1 Bluffs an attempt to tell Sayid that someday in the future he won't help him: -1 But at least he was sticking up for himself: +1 Causes Ana Lucia to appear on my television screen: -5 Plays weekend at Bernies with Sayid: +1 Takes an eternity to remember that Jack is a doctor and would probably be more helpful than Cheech: -1 Tells his mother the truth about everything that happened on the Island: +2 Throws hot pocket at Ben: -1 Remembers Sayid's advice to not trust Ben: +1 Forgets Ana Lucia's advice and runs to the cops to escape Ben. A move that will probably create a lame Prison Breakish plot: -20 Net Gain/Loss: -22 Total Points: 78
Jack: Takes Locke's Advice for the first time ever and creates "The Lie": +5 Finally realizes that the Island is awesome and that he never wants to leave it once he finally returns: +5 Revives an unconscious Sayid: +2 Gets chocked by a confused Sayid: +1 Net Gain/Loss: 13 Total Points: 111 Aaron: Still has a head that continues to grow at an alarming rate: -5 Net Gain/Loss: -5 Total Points: Seriously. How are they gonna fit that thing in the plane?
Kate: Lets Aaron push the buttons in the elevator. Important early training for his future career of pushing buttons in a hatch: +2 Takes a timeout from running away from her latest drama so she have a tea with Sun: +1 Actually becomes offended when Sun implies that she would kill to protect Aaron. Even though she left a trail of bodies behind her before she got to the Island: -5 Net Gain/Loss: -2 Total Points: 104 Sun: Actually chooses to have tea with Kate proving that she’s a better person than me: +1 Does her best to make Kate feel guilty for Jin’s death: +5 Continues the trend of confusing us and making it almost impossible to figure out her true intentions: -1 Net Gain/Loss: +5 Total Points: 105 Sayid: Doesn’t back Hurley up in regards to the lie: -1 Loans Hurley 40 bucks: +1 Manages to still look cool while unconscious: +2 Chokes Jack upon waking up: +10 Eventually stops choking Jack: -5 Net Gain/Loss: +7 Total Points: 112 Ben: Flushes perfectly good drugs down the toilet: +1 Shows us a softer side of Ben when he sticks up for Jack: +2 Dodges hot pocket attack with his Jedi powers: +1 Creeps Hurley out which results in Hurley surrendering to the cops: -4 Causes our brains to explode when we see that he’s working with/for Ms Hawking: +20 Net Gain/Loss: +20 Total Points: 122 Ms Hawking Quits her job selling jewelry to become a Druid: +2 Net Gain/Loss: +2 Total Points: 102 Frogurt: Gives Sawyer a shirt: +1 Fails to give Sawyer some shoes: -1 Calls Sawyer an inbred: -2 Acts like a complete jerk and gets on everybody’s nerves: -3 Helps the Others collect flaming arrows: -95 Net Gain/Loss: -100 Total Points: 0 Faraday: Continues to let Charlotte think that she’s going to be fine: +2 Has MacGyverish like backpack filled with gadgets that can be used to find their way off the island: +1 Net Gain/Loss: +3 Total Points: 127
Sawyer: Completes his shirt-finding quest: +1 Fails to complete his shoe-finding quest: -1 Nicknames Faraday “Dr Wizard”: +2 Leads survivors away from flaming arrows of death: +2 Steps on dangerous twig: -2 Opens up the possibility of him traveling way, way back in time, losing a toe due to an infection in his foot, doing something heroic to save the Island, dying while doing said heroic dead, and finally, having a four-toe statue built in his honor: +5 Net Gain/Loss: +7 Total Points: 118
Charlotte: Ignores the hunger pains of the other survivors and only buys 2 mangos at the store: -2 Shares one of those mangos with Faraday: +1 Net Gain/Loss: -1 Total Points: 99 Miles: Corrects Sawyer on Faraday’s “Dr. Wizard” nickname: -1 Uses his mystery ghost powers to find a dead boar (but only three hours dead): +5 Net Gain/Lost: +4 Total Points: 104 Locke: Uses rocks to knock down 2 of the men attacking Sawyer and Juliette: +2 Tosses knife into the stomach of one of those above mentioned men: +5 Net Gain/Loss: +7 Total Points: 116
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