Because You Left

Pierre Chang:Add Video
Proves he's a Lost fanboy by setting his alarm for 8:15: +1
Willie Nelson is always a good choice in the morning: +5 Scratches said record: -4
Scripts? I don't need no stinking scripts: +1
Decides today feels like a "Marvin Candle" day: +1
Explains the purpose of The Arrow Station: +15
Prevents an incident while making a foreman look dumb: +2
Net Gain/Loss: 21
Total points: 121

Ben: Stayed put in the funeral parlor for 8 months with Jack: +1 Makes Jack feel guilty for breaking the Island: +3 Doesn't stop Jack from shaving off the awesome hillbilly beard: -2
Net Gain/Loss:2
Total Points: 102
Jack: Kept Ben company in the funeral parlor for 8 months: +1
Shaves the so-bad-that-it's-awesome beard: -2
Finally believes that leaving the Island was not the best move: +5
Actually believes that Ben doesn't know what happened on the Island: -6
Net Gain/Loss:-2
Total Points: 98

Locke: Show his uncanny ability to always find some heroin: +1
Forgets what happened to Boone and decides he wants to get inside the plane: -1
Tries to stop the bullets by yelling at them: -2
Falls off the vines but manages to not break his back: +2
Trys to play the "I'm your new leader" card with Ethan: +2
Fails miserably with that plan: -2
Evidently he told Richard about the bullet in his leg while in the past: +5
Forgets what a compass is: -1
Is told that he has to die in order to save the Island: +5
Net Gain/Loss: 9
Total Points: 109

Lands a better job with Dharma then Ben's dad: +2
Get's back to the Island in the zodiac and decides that he wants to go sight seeing: -1
Gets slapped by Sawyer but doesn't cry: +1
Explains to everybody, including us, just what in the heck is happening: +20
Stands between Sawyer and beer despite having been smacked just a moment ago: -1
Lies to Charlotte and tells her nosebleeds on the island are a good omen: -2
Gets Desmond to open the hatch door and sends him on a mission in the future to find Faraday's mother so she can hold him and tell him that everything will be fine: +5
Net Gain/Loss: 24
Total Points: 124

Sawyer: Begins his quest to find a shirt: +2
Fails to begin a quest to find shoes: -2
Slaps Dan across the face: -2
Gets answers from Dan: +4
Fails to slap Charlotte: -1
Nicknames Charlotte "Ginger": +1
Decides that like the rest of us he misses Desmond and wants to share some beers with him: +2
Nicknames himself "Ghost of Christmas Future": +2
Makes us misty eyed when he says that everybody he cares about just blew up on the boat: +5
Net Gain/Loss: 11
Total Points: 111

Aaron: Still has giant head: -5
Net Gain/Loss: -5
Total Points: one giant head

Kate: Calls Aaron "Goober": +5
Finally gets an excuse to run away again: +1
Net Gain/Loss: 6

Total Points: 106

Ethan: Shows up in a Lost episode: +20
Shoots Locke in the leg: -5
Forgot to read the memo that Locke is their leader in the future: -5
Net Gain/loss: 10
Total Points: 110

Richard: Takes the bullet out of Locke's leg and patches him up: +5
"It points north, John": +1
Blows everybody's mind by telling Locke that he (Locke) has to die in order to save the Island: +20
Net Gain/Loss: 26
Totatl Points: 126

Hurley: Tells Sayid that eating comfort food makes you shoot less people: +1
Foolishly picks up Sayid's gun and causes the world to think he's a murderer: -1
Net Gain/Loss: 0
Total Points: 100

Takes Hurley out for fast food: +1

Manages to restain himself from shooting the waitress: +1

Seems to be no longer working for Ben: -2

Gets to safe house and is attacked making the term safe house ironic: -1

Throws first attacker over 3 story balacony: +2

Hits second attacker in face with a really nice grill pan: +2

Throws second attacker on top of dishwasher basket filled with knives: +3

Takes 2 darts in the back and passes out: -1

Net Gain/Loss: 5
Total Points: 105

Desmond: Remembers to wear his hazmat suit while greating guests of the station: +2
Forgets to ask Faraday what one snowman said to the other snowman: -1
Is told by Faraday that he's special and unique and only he can save them: +2
Wakes up in bed with the new memory of his conversation with Daniel in the past and once again our brains begin to hurt: +5
Gets the boat ready to set sail so he can save the day: +5 Net Gain/Loss: 13
Total Points: 113

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