- John Locke = Obi-Wan Kenobi: +3
- "I remember dying". He always gets the coolest lines: +1
- Finally gets that shin bone put back inside his leg where it belongs:+1
- Gets turned down by all of the 06 that he visited:-1
- Forgot to thank Walt for visiting him in the pit after Ben shot him:-1
- Peg Bundy died while Locke was on the Island. Sniffle: -1
- Highlight of his trip? Causing a three car cash.
That's our crazy Locke. I bet he regets that none of those cars exploded: +1
- Dies at the hands of Benjamin Linus: -158
- But than just a few days later he's up and on his feet:+100
- Did I mention that he was dead and the Island resurrected him: +80 Net Gain/Loss: +25 Total Points: 180
- But than just a few days later he's up and on his feet:+100
- Dies at the hands of Benjamin Linus: -158
- Highlight of his trip? Causing a three car cash.
That's our crazy Locke. I bet he regets that none of those cars exploded: +1
- Peg Bundy died while Locke was on the Island. Sniffle: -1
- Forgot to thank Walt for visiting him in the pit after Ben shot him:-1
- Gets turned down by all of the 06 that he visited:-1
- Finally gets that shin bone put back inside his leg where it belongs:+1
- "I remember dying". He always gets the coolest lines: +1
- So, Widemore was once the leader of the Others? Was he like the only one who applied for the job or something?: -1
- Pretty much the only person who's helping Locke. Kate would have just broken his other leg and left him in the desert: +2
- Tries to gain Locke's trust by pointing that unlike Ben, Widemore hasn't tried to kill him. And he tells Locke that he's special: +2 Net Gain/Loss: +3 Total Points: 147
- Pretty much the only person who's helping Locke. Kate would have just broken his other leg and left him in the desert: +2
- Is clearly stalking Locke: -5
- Killed Abaddon: -5
- Shoot Locke once, shame on you. Strangle Locke to death, shame on me: -20 Net Gain/Loss: -30 Total Points: 104
- Killed Abaddon: -5
- Sayid is building houses for charity: +5
- But once the house is built he'll probably shoot the owners: -2
- Refuses Locke's request to return to the Island: -5
- But he seems to be very untrusting due to his dealings with Ben so I could see why he'd say no: +1
- However, just like the rest of the 06 he can't resist insulting Locke by saying that Locke only wants to return because he has no where else to go. Jerk: -2 Net Gain/Loss: -3 Total Points: 113
- But he seems to be very untrusting due to his dealings with Ben so I could see why he'd say no: +1
- Refuses Locke's request to return to the Island: -5
- But once the house is built he'll probably shoot the owners: -2
- Dude. It's very rude to always assume that your visitors are ghosts. Not cool: -5
- Locke needs a favor and what does Hurley do? He throws a hissy fit and runs away: -10
- Continues to do his best to win the award of "Dumbest Lost Character": -5 Net Gain/Loss: -20 Total Points:47
- Locke needs a favor and what does Hurley do? He throws a hissy fit and runs away: -10
- Manages to completely cut Locke down by telling him that he sucks at life because he never loved anybody:-10
- Did I mention that she has nothing to base this on and she has no idea what Locke has been through: -10
- So...Sawyer loves her enough to jump out of the helicopter risking death to ensure that the helicopter won't crash. But she's too selfish to even consider returning to the Island to save him. She really sucks: -25 Net Gain/Loss: -45 Total Points: 47
- Did I mention that she has nothing to base this on and she has no idea what Locke has been through: -10
- "Have you ever stopped to think that these delusions that you're special aren't real? That maybe there's nothing important about you at all? Maybe you are just a lonely old man that crashed on an Island." That was really uncalled for: -20 Net Gain/Loss: -20 Total Points: 99