
Wow; just when I thought I couldn't post a posting late enough along comes this week. I really need to get my act together. But the internet crashed and my computer blew up so that's why this is being posted wicked late. But anyway, this was a terrific episode. Just terrific. I really wish I could go more in depth but for the sake of time I'm not. So let's just jump into the pool before some kid pees in it and ruins our fun...

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  • I've got some advice for Sawyer. You can't wash off herpes. Remember that advice anytime you're near Kate and you'll do fine: +1
    • Juliet:

    • Damn; I was really hoping that she'd pretend that Kate was an Other: -1
    • But I guess she didn't want the Others to have to deal with Kate's crap. That's loyalty there: +1
    • I'm not good at reading women but I'm pretty sure she looked scared that Jack was gonna steal Sawyer: +/- 0
      • Jack:
      • You could tell that he really, really wanted to argue with Sawyer on whether not they were actually in 1977. Tool: -1
      • But it was still awesome to see him looking like an 8 year tool wearing the clothes Sawyer gave him: +1
      • And it was even better seeing him being assigned janitorial duties. Man would I love to see the aptitude test that Sawyer forged for him: +1
      • And last but not least, I would love to see Sawyer hand Jack his ass every single episode: -1
      • Kate:
      • I think it's slowly sinking in that Sawyer has choosen Juliet. Which makes sense because deep down nobody likes a whore: -3
      • However, she did stick up for Sawyer when they first met up with him so maybe she's not the complete anti-christ: +1
      • Ben
      • Ever since the freightor folk showed up, has he even gone as long as a day without somebody smacking him in the face?
      • Didn't put mustard on Sayid's sandwich. Bastard.
      • Aside from mustard is there anything this guy doesn't plan for? 3 years ago he built a runway so Frank could "safely" land the airplane plus it looks like he also had a couple boats waiting for him. I guess Jacob probably told him what would happen in the future which is nice and all but seriously; If Jacob was truly Ben's friend he would have also warned him to always wear a helmet to avoid his future brain damage.
      • Sun:
      • I really hope she goes travels back to 1977 just so I can see her smack 12 year Benjamin in the face with a shovel: +1
      • Also, if some creep guy comes out of creepy cabin in the middle of a creepy village and he invites you in for coffee; don't follow him. Just keep walking: -1
      • Lapidus:
      • All things considered that was a really nice crash landing. If he ever sees Kate and Sawyer again he better remember to thank them for building the runway: +1
      • I also like how calm and cool he was with the whole crashing on the Island (for the second time) and then hearing Smokey in the jungle, and finally having Jack's dead father tell him and Sun that their friends are in 1977. He's like that Jesse fella on the Celebrity Apprentice. Just rolling with the punches.
      • Christian Shephard:
      • What a lousy host. The yard was trashed (probably Smokey's fault), his Dharma Bungalow was a mess, and to top it all off he didn't even offer Sun and Frank some cheese & crackers or even a tasty beverage. Jerk.
      • Jin:
      • Dude's gonna be pissed when he realizes that his forgetful wife left their daughter at home with Aaron and his giant head: +1
      • Sayid:
      • Weee!!!!! I'm back on Crap-hole Island!!! Sweeettt!!!! Hey, there's Jin!! Wait. Why's he pointing a gun at me? And why am I being put into a prison cell? And why does Benjamin Linus look 12 years old? Can somebody please clue me into what exactly the hell is going on????
      • Net Gain/Loss: A very confused Sayid.


      • It is written that in the land of the Dharma Hippies, a man will arrive who shall rule over them. He will build half-assed golf courses and set-up many ping-pong tournaments. He shall call everyone Dude and he will ride in a golden VW Bus. He will be their king and his name shall be Hurley: +1
      • Miles
      • He really needs to pick up the pace otherwise he's gonna be out of this competition. All he did this week was push some buttons in the Betamax Station.
      • Radzinsky:
      • Kinda freaky to see him designing the Dharma Station which is where he ended up being stationed for years and years before eventually going mad and shooting himself. I guess you could say he built his own prison and tomb. Poor guy.
      • Ethan:
      • Finally, a baby on the Island born without a giant head.

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